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书名 最深刻的寓言(汉英珍藏版)
分类 教育考试-外语学习-英语
作者 徐翰林
出版社 天津教育出版社






Down in a Well

The Bat and the Two Weasels

The Fox and the Sick Lion

The Wolf and the Donkey

The Funeral of the 1ioness

The Fox and the Cockerel

Iion and Gnal

Fox and Cicada

Speckled Sheep

The Fox and the Goat

The Two Gardeners

Purgatory May be Paradise

The Shipwreck of Simonides

Master and the Mice

The Wise Son

The Beggar's Wish


The Bundle of Sticks

The Load

The Old Woman and the Physician

The Little Dog

The Scorpion and the Tortoise

The Eagle, the Cat,and the Wild Sow

The Eagle and the Beetle

Jupiter and the Sheep

The Ass and His Bell

Wolf and Lamb

The Grateful Lion

The Dove and the Ant

The Lazy Donkey

True Heaven

Dog's Friendship

The Fox and the Stork

The Penitent Fox

The Goldem Goose

The Lion and The Mouse

The Most Beautiful Heart

The North Wind and The Sun

The Olive Tree and the Fig Tree

The Earthen Pot and the Iron Pot

The Diamond and the Glow-worm

A Story of the Angel

The Royal Road to Greatness

Spendthrift and Swaalow

The Sapling

The Two Friends

The Swallow and the Other Birds

A heart's -ease

Frog and Bullock

The Harebrained Monkey

The Old, Old Wine

Eagle and Spider

The Kind Fox

Cat and Nightingale


The Donkey and the Sail

The Ass

Two Dogs

The Land of the Halt

Wolf in the Kennels


The Plague of the Beasts

Crow and Fox

The Wallet

The Chicken

The Bag

Why was the Green Caterpillar so Happy?

The Statue

Sharing Up

The Treasure and the Two Men

Eagle and Bee

The Two Donkeys

Two Pigeons

Cuckoo and Wood-pigeon

The Lion in Love

A Train of Carts

The Ostrich in Love

The Squirrel and the Lion

The Bad Kangaroo

A Fish of the World

The Dairy. Woman

Fortune and the Beggar

Mercury and the Woodman

The Shepherd and the Sea

The Boy and the Snake

The Labourer and the Snake

The Thief and His Mother

The Cobbler and the Banker

The Dainty Spinster

Three Brothers and the Beggar

The Cornflower

The Oak and the Reed

The Cracked Pot

The Boy and the Nuts

A Love Story

The City Mouse and the Country Mouse

Don't be a Frog in the Well

The Acorn and the Pumpkin

Three Old Men and a Housewife















“人善被人欺,马善被人骑”——在没有公 正的强权社会里,最老实的人往往成为惩罚的语对象。

          The Plague of the Beasts

A plague, heaven's direst scourge, the worst of nature's ills, goes raging throughthe woods. The beasts lose heart, the gates of hell wide open start, death gallops overthe plains, the gullies and the hills. All strewed about the ground, his piteous victimslie. The inexorable hand has mown them down like hay. Some still drag out their life,but they see death a yard in front, and almost wish to die.

Not one the same, all hearts have sunk, in face of woes like these, they seemwith panic shrunk. The lambs have peace; the wolf is humble as a monk! The fowlssleep safe, the fox fasts in his den so dreary, to eat he hasn't got the heart. The pigeonand his mate now live apart, no thoughts of love to memory start, and where no loveis, how can hearts be cheery?

The lion, in this stress, proclaims a solemn meeting. They struggle to the spot,with scarce the soul to walk. And gather round their King, without a word of greeting,and gaze, and prick their ears, to hear him talk.

 "My friends," their King begins, "transgressions unforgiven have brought on usthe heavy wrath at heaven, so let that one of us who most has wrought of ill, all ofhis own free will, himself as sacrifice present, it may be that the gods therewith willbe content, and thus the zealous fervour of our faith. Their cruel anger will appease.For all of you, my friends know well that heaven we please, when willing victims goto death, and history is full of such-like instances. So in all humbleness, let each onehere aloud his sins confess, of thought or word or deed, whatever was amiss; dearfriends, confess, and penance do."

"Alas! I own--what pain to tell you this! I'm guilty too. Poor little lambs--andwhy? They never injured me, I've mangled piteously. And sometimes--which of us isgood? The shepherd, too, might be my food. So gladly I myself would proffer, butfirst it were best that all should count their failings over, and him, in whom thegreatest we deplore. Him for the victim we will offer, and that, no doubt, will pleasethe powers of heaven more.

"Oh King, our noble King," says Reynard, "you alone, from nobleness of heart,would here transgressions own. Well may our conscience twinge, when you suchdeeds condemn, but all would starve to death if that were everything? Besides,beloved King, be sure that to the sheep great honour it must bring. That lions deign tofeed on them. And as to shepherds, why, we all entreat: Do teach them oftener suchmeekness as is meet! That tailless race is swelled with pride most fatuous, and thinksthat it is born to lord it over us!"

 So ends good Master Fox, then in the selfsame strain, more flatterers echo hisrefrain, and each one emulates the other to maintain, the lion's life is pure and needsno absolution. The tiger next, and bear, and then the wolves in turn, give all to learn,they too have got to own some foibles lilliputian, but all their most unrighteous deeds,not one that whispers, one that heeds. And all the strong in claw and tooth escapefrom this tribunal of the truth, on every side. Not only justified, but almost sanctified.

 The humble ox in turn thus lows, "We too confess our sins. Five years ago, whattime our winter store could give no more, the devil greatly urged me to transgress,and after I had starved for nearly all the day, I plucked from parson's stack a littlewisp of hay."

 At this the beasts began to howl and shout; the bears, the tigers and the wolvescried out: "There, there's the wicked one," they said, "To eat another's hay! Whatwonder, then, that heaven. For sacrilege like his, still counts us unforgiven! It is himthe impious one, him of the homed head, that we for all his faults to heaven will offerhere, ourselves to save alive, our souls from sin to clear, for it is for his offence that half of us are dead!"

 "It were just indeed," the others cry.

 And so the ox is led away to die.

















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