The following translation is made with the publisher's permission from the Latin text established by Richard Scholz in his Wilhelm yon Ockham als politischer Denker und sein Breviloquium de principatu tyrannico (Stuttgart:Anton Hiersemann, 1944, I952). Departures from this text are noted in the Appendix. The aim has been to produce a version faithful in meaning and style, as far as possible in plain modern English. For an explanation of the principles employed in pursuing this aim and for notes on some difficult expressions and passages, see the Appendix.
A note on references
Principal dates in Ockham's life
Suggestions for further reading
A Short Discourse on the Tyrannical Government
Over Things Divine and Human, but Especially
Over the Empire and Those Subject to the Empire,
Usurped by Some Who Are Called Highest Pontiffs
Book I
Book II
Book III
Book IV
Book V
Book VI
Appendix: text and translation
General index
Index of persons
Index of references to the Bible
Index of references to canon law
Index of references to civil law