Considered a masterpiece of contemporary fiction by many, this charming idyll about Toad, Rat, Mole, and Badger represents the best of British whimsical fantasy. Kenneth Grahame's creatures endearingly share friendship (and tea) alongside the River, as together they face the turmoil of modern life and the pleasures of Arcadia.
Chapter 1 The River Bank
Chapter 2 The Open Road
Chapter 3 The Wild Wood
Chaptcr 4 Mr. Badger
Chapter 5 Dulce Domum
Chapter 6 Mr. Toad
Chapter 7 The Piper at the Gates of Dawn
Chapter 8 Toad"s Adventures
Chapter 9 Wayfarers All
Chapter 10 The Further Adventures of Toad
Chapter 11 "Like SummerTempests Came His Tears"
Chapter 12 The Return of Ulysses