This is a troubling story of crime, sin. guilt,punishment and expiation, set in the rigid moral climate of 17th century New England.The young mother of an illegitimate child confronts her Puritan judges.However, it is not so much her harsh sentence,but the cruelties of slowly exposed guilt as her lover is revealed, that hold the reader enthralled all the way to the book's poignant climax.
In 1850, when the first edition of The Scarlet Letter was published,Hawthorne was known as a writer of tales, many of them having appeared in magazines and gift annuals, though three volumes of his tales saw publication in the decade before the novel appeared: a revised edition of Twice-Told Tales was published in 1842 (and elicited Edgar Allan Poe"s famous review in Grabam"s Magazine for April 1842), The Celestial Rail-Road followed in 1843 and Mosses from an Old Manse was published in 1846. These volumes brought Hawthorne some literary notoriety, but like so many other American writers of his day he suffered from the absence of an international copyright law that would extend to American writers those advantages enjoyed by their European (especially English) contemporaries, for the American writer could not compete on his own soil with cheap editions of Scott and Dickens or reap adequate rewards from home sales in a country in which the business of publication was still in its infancy and where communications to outlying frontier towns and villages meant that sales were largely confined to a few metropolitan areas.
ONE The Prison-Door
TWO The Market-Place
THREE The Recognition
FOUR The Interview
FIVE Hester at Her Needle
SlX Pearl
SEVEN The Governor"s Hall
EIGHT The Elf-Child and the Minister
NINE The Leech
TEN The Leech and His Patient
ELEVEN The Interior of a Heart
TWELVE The Minister"s Vigil
THIRTEEN Another View of Hester
FOURTEEN Hester and the Physician
FIFTEEN Hester and Pearl
SIXTEEN A Forest Walk
SEVENTEEN The Pastor and His Parishioner
EIGHTEEN A Flood of Sunshine
NINETEEN The Child at the Brook-Side
TWENTY The Minister in a Maze
TWENTY-ONE The New England Holiday
TWENTY-TWO The Procession
TWENTY-THREE The Revelation of the Scarlet Letter
TWENTY-FOUR Conclusion