The Adventures of Blacky the Crow is just one out of 170 different books that Thornton W. Burgess wrote for chil dren. Mr. Burgess grew up in the small Cape Cod town of Sandwich, Massachusetts. As a boy, he became familiar with the backroads and woodlands as he did errands to help support his family. He encountered many animals in his daily treks through the woods. After he left Sandwich, Mr. Burgess never forgot these special places.
Children will love this wonderful tale of Blaeky the Crow, who has very sharp eyes, and who is often getting into trouble because he sees things he shouldn"t. One day Blacky notices two fresh eggs in a nest belonging to Hooty the Owl and Mrs. Hooty. The eggs are a prize too delicious to pass up and Blaeky devises a plan to snatch them. But does he suceecd? Young readers will enjoy finding out in this charming tale by master storyteller Thornton W. Burgess. Reset in large, easy-to-read type, this book is filled with gentle hmnor and important lessons about nature and wildlife, and is further enhanced by four original Harrison Cady illustrations. Blacky the Crotc is sure to captivate youngsters discovering the joy of reading and the pleasures of storytelling at its finest.
I. Blacky the Crow Makes a Discovery
II. Blacky Makes Sure
III. Blacky Finds Out Who Owns the Eggs
IV. The Cunning of Blacky
V. Blacky Calls His Friends
VI. Hooty the Owl Doesn"t Stay Still
VII. Blacky Tries Another Plan
VIII. Hooty Comes to Mrs. Hooty"s Aid
IX. Blacky Thinks of Farmer Brown"s Boy
X. Farmer Brown"s Boy and Hooty
XI. Farmer Brown"s Boy Is Tempted
XII. A Tree-Top Battle
XIII. Blacky Has a Change of Heart
XIV. Blacky Makes a Call
XV. Biacky Does a Little Looking About
XVI. Blacky Finds Other Signs
XVII. Blacky Watches a Queer Performance
XVIII. Blacky Becomes Very Suspicious
XIX. Blacky Makes More Discoveries
XX. Blacky Drops a Hint
XXI. At Last Blacky Is Sure
XXII. Blacky Goes Home Happy
XXIII. Blacky Calls Farmer Brown"s Boy
XXIV. Farmer Brown"s Boy Does Some Thinking
XXV. Blacky Gets a Dreadful Shock
XXVI. Why the Hunter Got No Ducks
XXVII. The Hunter Gives Up
XXVIII. Blacky Has a Talk with Dusky the Black Duck
XXIX. Blacky Discovers an Egg
XXX. Blacky Screws Up His Courage
XXXI. An Egg That Wouldn"t Behave
XXXU. What Blacky Did with the Stolen Egg