Buster Bear's Twins introduces us to two new members of the Green Forest series. Sweet Mistress Spring's annual return to the Green Forest brings new beginnings and new life. Upon hearing that Mrs. Bear has a secret, curious Peter Rabbit wanders over one evening to her home near the great windfall to discover two baby bear cubs named Woof-Woof and Boxer. Finding it difficult to resist playing a joke on the small bear cubs, Peter frightens them so that they run, whimpering and tumbling over each other, back to the safety of their home. Suddenly, Peter's delight and glee is replaced by panic when an angry growl is heard from behind him. The reader too will soon find out that a mean spirited joke and the temptation to get even often results in mischief and mayhem for all involved.
Mother Bear has a secret! In fact, she has two of them. They"re her brand new cubs--Boxer and Woof-Woof. The arrival of the Green Forest"s newest inhabitants has Peter Rabbit, Chatterer the Red Squirrel, Prickly Porky, Hooty the Owl, and other forest creatures all astir over the goings-on in the Bear household. Young readers, too,can share the excitement as they learn how the twins get even with Peter Rabbit, find out what happens when the bears meet their father,discover why Mother Bear has to rescue her cubs, learn why Boxer gets a spanking, and much more.
Brimming with traditional values, gentle humor and real lessons about nature and wildlife,Thornton Burgess"s engaging tale reveals why he"s a grandmaster at storytelling. The simple text, reset in large,easy-to-read type and complemented with four charming illustrations from the original edition by Harrison Cady, will captivate today"s readers as much as it charmed audiences generations ago.
Mother Bear"s Secret
Peter Scares the Twins
Peter"s Glee Is Short-Lived
Boxer and Woof-Woof
Out in the Great World
The Twins Climb a Tree
A Scare That Didn"t Work
Too Late Chatterer Is Sorry
The Twins Have To Go Home
The Twins Get Even with Peter Rabbit
Peter Is in a Tight Place
Peter Takes a Chance
A Great Mix-Up of Little Bears
Two Foolish-Feeling Little Bears
The Twins Meet Their Father
The Twins Take to a Tree
Mother Comes to the Rescue
The Twins Are Comforted
The Cubs Talk It Over
The Twins Get Their First Bath
The Twins Are Still Puzzled
Boxer Gets a Spanking
Boxer Is Sulky
Boxer Starts Out To Get Even
Chatterer Has Fun with Boxer
Alone and Lost in the Great World
A Dreadful Night for a Little Bear
Boxer Gets His Own Breakfast
Boxer Has a Painful Lesson
Boxer Is Sadder but Much Wiser
Boxer Meets a Polite Little Fellow
Boxer Wishes He Hadn"t
Woof-Woof Turns Up Her Nose
All Is Well at Last