Manet is a painter's painter. In spite of the controversial reception afforded his work during his lifetime, his technical virtuosity was celebrated; he changed the way oil painting was practiced throughout the world. The actions of his brush and his handling of pigment address the eye of the observer for their own dynamic and sensuous properties;he wanted the painting to appeal, directly to the senses of the observer--that is to say, not as a representation but as a painting by Edouard Manet.
Forty sumptuous col.orpl.ates, supplemented by numerous black-and-white reproductions, will provide an unforgettable view of the glories of Manet's work. The text and commentaries, originally publ,ished in 1959, are written by the distinguished writer and historian Pierre Courthion,who has also edited a volume of Manet's writings and correspondence.
Even a century after his death, Edouard Manet remains one of the most enigmatic and intriguing painters in the history of art. Manet does not fit the image of a tormented,reclusive, dishevel.ed artist. He was, in fact, impeccably dressed, courteous, and had a respect for traditional, values.Why then was his work so outrageously provocative; why was he snubbed and ridiculed? The truth is that Manet was one of the first artists--perhaps the first--who can trul.y be called "modern." He insisted on the personal, integrity of the artist, on the selfsufficiency of the work of art, and on the right to draw on previous art, as well. as on nature, for pictorial, motivation.He ignored hoary academic techniques and and worked spontaneously, impulsively, bringing a highl.y individual, and fresh vision to al.most everything he painted.And he infused his subjects with a direct erotic sensitivity,unobscured and rife-affirming.
Edouard Manet by Pierre Courthion
Sketches, Drawings, and Prints
SeLf-Portrait with PaLette
Boy with Cherries
Music in the TuiLeries
The Guitarist
Le BaLLet Espagnol
LoLa de VaLence
Portrait of Victorine Meurend
Luncheon on the Grass
The Dead Toreador
ALabama and Kearsarge
StiLL Life with Carp
The Fifer
The Execution of Emperor MaximiLian
Portrait of EmiLe ZoLa
Portrait of Theodore Duret
Luncheon in the Studio
The BaLcony
Departure of the Folkestone Boat
Eva GonzaLes
On the Beach
Gare Saint-Lazare
Monet Painting in His Studio Boat
The Artist
Portrait of Stephane MaLLarme
The Tipsy Woman
The BLonde with Bare Breasts
Rue Mosnier Decorated with FLags
Au Cafe
Zn the Conservatory
Chez Le Pere Lathuille
Portrait of George Moore
Portrait of CLemenceau
Portrait of Antonin Proust
A Bar at the FoLies-Bergere
Roses and White LiLacs in a Vase