Peter Pan--a little boy who doesn"t want to grow up--has run off to Never-Never Land where he becomes the leader of a wild tribe of Lost Boys. This amazing fantasy land is also home to Tinker Bell the fairy,the Indian princess Tiger Lily, and a ragtag band of pirates led by Peter"s longtime enemy, Captain Hook.
Somewhere along the way, Peter manages to lose his shadow, and while searching for it, meets the Darling children Wendy, Michael,and John--who immediately become his friends. After a quick lesson in flying, they"re all off to Never-Never Land and one thrilling adventure after another.
Over the years, James M. Barrie"s delightful tale, made even more familiar through Broadway plays, television, and motion pictures, has charmed generations of youngsters. This complete, unabridged edition promises to captivate countless new readers with its timeless appeal.
1. Peter Breaks Through
2. The Shadow
3. Come Away, Come Away!
4. The Flight
5. The Island Come True
6. The Little House
7. The Home Under the Ground
8. The Mermaids" Lagoon
9. The Never Bird
10. The Happy Home
11. Wendy"s Story
12. The Children Are Carried Off
13. Do You Believe in Fairies?
14. The Pirate Ship
15. "Hook or Me This Time"
16. The Return Home
17. When Wendy Grew Up