Hoch's album comprises 114 pages and con-tains over 400 photographic illustrations from periodicals, The great number of female nudes is striking; images of men seem to play a subordinate role, Many of the illustra-tions were cut out together with the cap-tions, and they are frequently pasted over the page break. Certain motifs appear sev-eral times, either in juxtaposition or on pages far separated from one another. Most two-page spreads are devoted to a topic from the fields of nature, technology, sports,dance, the modern woman, film, or eth-nology. These topics are treated in several variations.
The fact that, almost seventy years after it was created, Hannah Hoch"s album is now accessible to a wider audience is due to the contribution of numerous people. The Berlinische Galerle owes special thanks to Christhard George,Hanna Roters, Ute Westrom, and other patrons who wish to remain anony-mous. All of them spontaneously de-clared their willingness to support the necessary restoration of the album through private means. The close co-operation with Juan Manuel Boner, the director of the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia in Madrid, made it possible to complete the project. The edition owes its realization to the en-thusiasm and the publishing vision of Annette Kulenkampff. For this she de-serves our sincere thanks. The Berlin-ische Galerie thanks Markus Hawlik for his outstanding photographic reproduc-tions, Gabriele Sabolewski for her sen-sitive graphic design, and the team at Hatje Cantz Publishers for the pleasant cooperation.