Max Stirner's The Ego and Its Otto1 has been called 'the most revolutionary [book] ever written' First published in 1844, Stirner's distinctive and powerful polemic sounded the death knell of left Hegelianism, with its attack on Ludwig Feuerbach, Bruno Bauer, Moses Hess, and others. It contains an enduring and strikingly written critique of both liberalism and socialism from the perspective of an extreme and eccentric individualism. Karl Marx was only one of many contemporaries provoked into a lengthy rebuttal of Stimer's argument. More recently, Stiruer has been variously portrayed as a nihilistic anarchist, a precursor of Nietzsche, and a forerunner of existentialism. This edition of Stimer's work comprises a revised version of Steven Byington's much-praised translation, together with an introduction and notes on the historical background to Stimer's text.