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出版社 中图公司北京市场部

London’s industrial past has left a marked trace on the city; the urbanistic profile of this British capital has remained dotted with innumerable nineteenth-century edifices which, formerly destined for industrial activities, have undergone remodeling operations and been made over into houses or offices.

Following a period of strong industrial activity, the decade of the 1980s saw the city caught up in an important transformation that would lead it to plan an urbanistic refurbishment based on the recovery of unoccupied factory spaces. This revitalization process found its maximum apogee in the following ten-year period and culminated with the construction of the Tate Modern, a museum which has restored activity to this former power station and which in only a few years has come to hold an important place in the vanguard of international museums,together with the generation of young artists championed by gallery owner CharlesSaatchi.


London has become one of the most important metropolises in the field of fashion and design.Wherever innovative design and English style merge, new shops spring up with unique outfitting and product arrays. From tailor-made suits to streetwear, from furniture to cosmetics, Cool Shops London has both flagship stores and insider’s tips for the perfect shopping trip, from Notting Hill to the East End. With useful addresses and a general map of the local area.

London hat sich zu einer der fuhrenden Designund Modemetropolen entwickelt. Wo innovative Gestaltung und englischer Stil zusammentreffen, entstehen Geschafte mit einzigartigen Sortimenten und Einrichtungen. Vom Maβanzug zur Streetwear, von M0beln zu Kosmetika zeigt Cool Shops London Flagship Stores wie Geheimtipps fur den perfekten Shoppingtrip zwischen Notting Hill und East End. Mit nutzlichen Adressen und einem ubersichtlichen Lageplan.

Londres est devenue Fune des metropoles les plus importantes dans le domaine de la mode et du design. Lalliance du design innovant et du style anglais donne naissance a des magasins absolument uniques sur le plan decoration interieure et I’offre de produits. Du tailleur sur mesure aux vetements de ville, des meubles aux produits cosmetiques, Cool Shops London presente un eventail de boutiques prestigieuses et offre de precieux conseils pour faire des emplettes,de Notting Hill a East End. Le tout est aggremente d’un plan general et d’une liste d’adresses utiles.

Londres se ha convertido en una de las metropolis mas importantes de la moda y el diseno.Boutiques con equipamientos y productos unicos surgen alll donde diseno innovador y estilo ingles se unen. Desde trajes a medida hasta ropa de calle, desde muebles hasta cosmeticos, desde Notting Hill hasta East End, Cool Shops London ofrece un recorrido por prestigiosas tiendas y consejos para las compras, direcclones 0tiles y un mapa general de Iocalizacien.

Londra e diventata una delle metropoli piu importanti per quel che riguarda la moda eil design. Boutiques con forniture e articoli unici sorgo Ia dove il design piu innovativo si fonde con Io stile inglese. Dagli abiti su misura alia moda casual, dai mobili ai cosmetici, da Notting Hill a East End, Cool Shops London offre un percorso per le prestigiose boutiques e consigli per Io shopping, indirizzi utili e una pratica cartina.



10500 Hairdressers

Alberta Ferretti

Allegra Hicks

Comfort Station

Cox & Power


Dolce & Gabbana

Donna Karan

Dover Street Market

Emanuel Ungaro



Junky Styling

Laundry Industry




Michel Guillon

Miller Harris

Ozwald Boateng

Paul Smith Westbourne House




Stella McCartney

Tateossian London

Taylor Taylor

The Grocer on Warwick

The Scooter Emporium

Unto this last

Vivienne Westwood







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更新时间:2025/3/7 11:18:09