A pioneer conservationist, Thornton W. Burgess (1874-1965) created the world of the Green Forest, a lively woodland community populated by Peter Rabbit, Chatterer the Red Squirrel, Prickly Porky, Hooty the Owl, and other lovable creatures. Generations of young readers have loved and learned from these timeless fables and their important lessons about friendship, wildlife, and the environment.
Spring has arrived at the Green Meadow and Johnny Chuck is strangely discontent. On a whim, he offers Jimmy Skunk his house and then wanders off. Along the way, he gets into a fight with a strange woodchuck and, after a bruising battle, chases the intruder off. At that point, Johnny is feeling rather uncon-querable-that is, until Polly Chuck uses her feminine charms to capture his heart. Before long, the two are happily keeping house in a burrow in the old orchard.
Thornton W. Burgess, the author of many delightful classics for children, draws young readers into a timeless world of woodland creatures, teaching children important lessons about nature by basing the animals" actions and adventures on actual wildlife behavior. Six charming illustrations by Thea Kliros, based on Harrison Cady originals, enhance a story sure to delight young animal and nature lovers.
I. Gentle Sister South Wind Arrives.
II. Johnny Chuck Receives Callers
III. The Singers of the Smiling Pool
IV. Johnny Chuck Finds Out Who the
Sweet Singers Are
V. Johnny Chuck Becomes Dissatisfied
VI. Johnny Chuck Turns Tramp
VII. Johnny"s First Adventure
VIII. Johnny Has Another Adventure
IX. Another Strange Chuck
X. Why Johnny Chuck Didn"t Fight . .
XI. The Greatest Thing in the World
XII. Johnny Chuck Proves His Love
XIII. Polly and Johnny Chuck Go House
XIV. A New Home at Last
XV. Sammy Jay Finds the New Home .
XVI. Sammy Jay Plans Mischief
XVII. More Mischief
XVIII. Farmer Brown"s Boy Makes a
XIX. Johnny Chuck"s Pride
XX. Sammy Jay Understands
XXI. Sammy Jay Has a Change of Heart
XXII. Johnny Chuck Is Kept Busy
XXIII. The School in the Old Orchard
XXIV. Sammy Jay Proves That He Is Not
All Bad