I have used the real names and identities of the gurus, yogateachers, ashrams and schools, but to protect the innocentpeople I met along the way I have changed some namesand details. The description of a career in advertising is amelding of many experiences and not representative ofany one particular agency......
A very funny book from a wonderful new travel writer.
Chapter One
'The violet vibrations blow my crown chakra wide open'
Chapter Two
'Merging with the pool of cosmic bliss that is the universe'
Chapter Three
'Please be tucking in at all times'
Chapter Four
'Possessing only what is necessary'
Chapter Five
'Much sex is coming, much money is coming'
Chapter Six
'I need to be with gentle people'
Chapter Seven
'Durga, Durga, Durga'
Chapter Eight
'Get juicy'
Chapter Nine
'Stretch out upper eyelashes'
Chapter Ten
'An ocean of love'
Chapter Eleven
'A hump is there, like a camel'
Chapter Twelve
'My kleshas really fucked me'
Chapter Thirteen
'Not all nine hundred and ninety-nine holes are plugged at once'
Chapter Fourteen
'That's one big-ass crystal'
Chapter Fifteen
'Atcha! OM! Boom!'
Recipe for Apple Muffins
Useful Contacts
Further Reading
Perm. issions