The growth of Cezanne, the painter, is traced through a comprehensive consideration of his oeuvre, including forty stunning futl-page cotorplates, from his early Life in Aix and the continuing conflict with his father, to his evolution as a painter in Paris and, finalty, his return home--where the emotionality of his early pictures is transfigured in a resurgence of intense feeling that characterizes the work of his Last years.
In Cezanne's painting, human, personal, and natural elements are transformed into an expression of the noblest quatities of art--a personal, ideat imbued with a universal meaning for which his work is stiLt revered today.
As he strove to maintain a dynamic balance between his emotions and his need for order and objectivity, Cezanne saw in his own work "an exciting serenity."
Although he painted directly from nature, Iike the Impressionists, Cezanne was strongly influenced by the more formal, art he studied in the Louvre. Unlike Pissarro or Monet, however, Cezanne was always deeply concerned with composition, as welt as with integration and variation.
As world-renowned art historian Meyer Schapiro writes in this essay, first published in 1962,Cezanne strove to fuse nature and self in his work, and in order to do this, he had to create a new method of painting.Thus, the visible worl.d on a Cezanne canvas is not simply represented, it is actually re-created through strokes of color, among which are many that we cannot identify with an object and yet are necessary for the harmony of the whole.
Paul Cezanne by Meyer Schapiro
View of Gardanne
View of Auvers
Portrait of Chocquet
SeLf-Portrait with PaLette
Madame Cezanne in the Conservatory
TuLips and AppLes
The Young ItaLian GirL
Turning Road at MontgerouLt
Women Bathers
UncLe Dominic as a Monk
The Picnic
The BLack CLock
LEstaque, MeLting Snow
The Man with a Straw Hat (Portrait of Boyer)
The Suicide"s House
Bacchanal (La Lutte d"Amour)
Chocquet Seated
StiLL Life with Compotier
Portrait of Louis GuiLLaume
Mme. Cezanne
Sti LL Life
The Bay from L"Estaque
Mont Sainte-Victoire
The Bather
House in Provence
Chestnut Trees at the Jas de Bouffan
Mont Sainte-Victoire
The BLue Vase
Mountains in Provence
Road at ChantiLLy
ChAteau de Marines
The Card PLayers
StiLL Life with Basket of AppLes
Boy in a Red Vest
Portrait of Gustave Geffroy
StiLL Life with Peppermint BottLe
StiLL Life with PLaster Cupid
StiLL Life with AppLes
StiLL Life with AppLes and Oranges
The House with Cracked WaLLs
The Great Pine
Quarry and Mont Sainte-Victoire
StiLL Life with Onions and BottLe
Rocks at FontainebLeau
Woods with MiLLstone
Le Chateau Noir
Mont Sainte-Victoire
Portrait of VaLUer