Everyone has something to say about love, but very little of it is memorable. This book presents just a little of what has been said, but all of it worth remembering. The quotations are from prose, poetry, plays, songs, even conversation.The sources range from ancient times to the 20th century, and from such diverse sensibilities as Dante and Dorothy Parker. The joy and sorrow,pleasure and pain, wisdom and folly, genius and silliness of love all find concise expression in the following pages. The quotations are arranged alphabetically by author.
Love--that most mysterious of all human emotions--has inspiredcountless reflections and inemorable quotations. This delightful compendium contains over 360 of these singular pronouneements.From witty remarks by Ring Lardner and Dorothy Parker to solemn deelarations by Goethe and Tennyson, the volume features selections by such famous writers and thinkers as Ovid, Soerates,Shakespeare, Samuel Johnson, La Roehefoueauld, Jonathan Swift,Robert Burns, Byron, Keats, Jane Austen, George Bernard Shaw, H.L. Meneken, and many others.
This affbrdable treasury, with quotes conveniently arranged alphabetically by author, ineludes such eelebrated lines as:
Faint heart never won fair lady--William Gilbert
We are shaped and fashioned by what we love--Goethe
The tragedy of love is indifferenee William Somerset Maugham
The only victory over love is flight--Napoleon
The course of true love never did run smooth--Shakespeare
The hottest love has the coldest end--Socrates
A man ean be happy with any woman as long as he does not love her--Oscar Wilde.