Written in 1513 for the Medici, following their return to power in Florence, The Prince is a handbook on ruling and the exercise of power. It remains as relevant in today's world as it was in the sixteenth century.In the words of Norman Stone, The Prince is‘a manual of man-management that would suit a great many parts of the modern world’.
Written in 1513 for the Medici, following their return to power in Florence, The Prince is a handbook on ruling and the exercise of power. It remains as relevant in today"s world as it was in the sixteenth century. Widely quoted in the Press and in academic publications, The Prince has direct relevance to the issues of business and corporate governance confronting global corporations as they enter a new millennium. Much of what Machiavelli wrote has become the common currency of realpolitik, yet still his ideas retain the capacity to shock and annoy. In the words of Norman Stone, The Prince is‘a manual of man-management that would suit a great many parts of the modern world’.
Niccolo Machiavelli to the Magnificent Lorenzo
1 How many kinds of principalities there are, and in what manner they are acquired
2 Of hereditary principalities
3 Of mixed principalities
4 Why the kingdom of Darius, which was conquered by Alexander, did not revolt against the successors of Alexander after his death
5 How cities or principalities are to be governed that previous to being conquered had lived under their own laws
6 Of new principalities that have been acquired by the valour of the prince and by his own troops
7 Of new principalities that have been acquired by the aid of others and by good fortune
8 Of such as have achieved sovereignty by means of crimes
9 Of civil principalities
10 In what manner the power of all principalities should be measured
11 Of ecclesiastical principalities
12 Of the different kinds of troops, and of mercenaries
13 Of auxiliaries, and of mixed and national troops
14 Of the duties of a prince in relation to military matters
15 Of the means by which men, and especially princes,win applause or incur censure
16 Of liberality and parsimoniousness
17 Of cruelty and clemency, and whether it is better to be loved than feared
18 In what manner princes should keep their faith
19 A prince must avoid being contemned and hated
20 Whether the erection of fortresses, and many other things which princes often do, are useful or injurious
21 How princes should conduct themselves to acquire a reputation
22 Of the ministers of princes
23 How to avoid flatterers
24 The reason why the princes of Italy have lost their states.
25 Of the influence of fortune in human affairs,and how it may be counteracted
26 Exhortation to deliver Italy fiom foreign barbarians
A The History of Florence
B(i) Public affairs are easily managed in a city where the body of the people is not corrupt; and where equality exists,there no principality can be established; nor can a republic be established where there is no equality
B(ii) What nations the Romans had to contend against, and with what obstinacy they defended their liberty
B(iii) To found a new republic, or to reform entirely the old institutions of an existing one, must be the work of One man only
C To Francesco Vettori, his benefactor
D The art of war
E History of Florence
F Of how many kinds are republics and of what sort was the Roman republic