LOFT - four letters, one syllable. And a very specific philosophy of living. Lofts are a challenge to contemporary architecture and extravagant interior design. The basic principle is: use space unconventionally!
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简介 | 编辑推荐 LOFT - four letters, one syllable. And a very specific philosophy of living. Lofts are a challenge to contemporary architecture and extravagant interior design. The basic principle is: use space unconventionally! 内容推荐 LOFT - four letters, one syllable. And a very specific philosophy of living. Lofts are a challenge to contemporary architecture and extravagant interior design. The basic principle is: use space unconventionally! Empty warehouses, depots, factories, or former churches- these are the playgrounds for creative people who are looking for the right atmosphere to suit their ideas.Be it lovingly decorated or simple and cool, the history of each building is integrated in its new form: steal beams, loading bays, skylights, and huge windows add to the charm of a loft, especially when combined with warm colors and country style furniture, unusual objects,or antiques. London, Antwerp, Paris, Amsterdam, or Berlin - every-where, air and light dominate these exceptional lofts.XXLiving offers a glimpse into history and progress of a way of living in which time and space seem meaningless. 目录 Foreword, Vorwort. Pr&ace. Introducci6n. Material values. Materialmix, Valeurs materielles. Valores rnateriales. London A polychrome palace. Ein polychromer Palast. Un palais polyehrorne. Un patacio polieromo, Paris Structure with style. Struktur und Stil. Tours et contours. Una estruetura con estito, Paris Rugged simplicity. Streng und klar. Une simplieite transparente. Pura sirnplicidad, Lolndon A passion for fashion. Ein Herz ffir Mode. Unepassionpourlamode. Pasidnportamoda. London 4,850 sq ft of Santa-Fe. 450 me Santa-Fe, 450 m:' de Santa Fe. 450 me de Santa Fe. Antwerp A heavenly home. Ein hirnrnlisches Zuhause, Unemaisonceleste, Unhogarcelestial. Amsterdam Colorarna. Colorarna. Coiorarna, Colorarna, Paris Imps et Ells over the font. Kobolde und Ellen fiber dem Taufbecken. Lutins et farfadets au-dessus des fonts baptismaux. Duendesyelfossobretapilabautismal. Amsterdam Yinandyang. YinundYang. Yin et yang. Yin yyang. Paris Amod?No, abaroquer. EinechterBarocker. Unespritbranche?Non, baroque. 2Unrnod?No, unbarroco. London When Japan takes up the cross. JapanunddasKreuz. Ouandlejaponchine. CuandoJaponernpufialacruz. Paris Home cinema included. MitHeirnkino. Cineindus. Concineprivado. Berlin 5,400 sq ft of conviviality. 500 rn2 Gastlichkeit. 500 me de convivialite. 500 m2 de convivencia. Paris 13,000 sq ft. 1200 rnL 1200 metres carres. 1200 rnL Antwerp Romantic vision. RomantischeVision. Unevisionromantique, Visi6nrornentiea, London 4,850 sq ft for two natives. 450 rne fiJr zwei waschechte Berliner. 450rnepourdeuxBerlinoispuresouche, 450rn'paradosautentieosbertineses. Berlin Industrial andzen. IndustrieundZen. Industrieletzen. lndustrialyzen. Paris Pool of light. Pool aus Lieht. Une mare de lumiere. Piscina de luz. London From rubber to wood. HotzstattGummi. Ducaoutchoucaubois. Deteauchoalamadera. Antwerp A family loft. Ein Farnilienloft. Un loft familial, Un loft familiar, London Walls have secrets. Wende mit Geheirnnissen, Lesecretdesmurs. Lasparedesguardansecretos, Paris Curved air. Luftkurven. De forme arrondie, Aire eurvo. London Surprise corners, sturdy rooms, UngeahnteEckenundReume. Coins surprises. Esquinas sorpresa y habitaciones compactas. Amsterdam Shock of the new. Kulturschock. Leehocdelanouveaute, Choquedeeulturas. London The balancing act. Ein Balanceakt. Le carrefour des equilibres. Ejercicio de equilibrio, Paris Five in one go. FiJnfaufeinenStreich. Cinqd'uncoup. Cincodeungolpe, Berlin Across the tracks. UberdenGleisen. Voyageequai. Cruzandolasvias. Paris Past and present in perfect harmony. Wo gestern und heute harmonieren. Le passe harmonieusement conjugue au present. Pasado y presente en perfecta armonia. L(endon Perfectly circular. Kreisrund. Parfaitementcirculaire. Circular. Berlin The art of repetition. DieKunstderWiederholung. L'artdelarepetition. Erartedelarepetici6n. Berlin From gym to photo studio. Vom Fitness- zum Fotostudio. Un gymnase transforme en studio de photographic. De gimnasio a estudio de fotografia. Antwerp Last Stop Kreuzberg. Endstation Kreuzberg. Kreuzberg terminus. Estaci6n final: Kreuzberg, Berlin Parrots in the Atrium. PapageienimAtrium. Desperroquetsdansl'Atrium. Papagayosenelatrio. Berlin Color galore. JedeMengeFarben, Unepalettedecouleurs. Abundancia de color. Amsterdam LaBohemeinBerlin. LaBohemeinBerlin. La BohemeeBerlin. LaBohemeenBerlin. Berlin Living in art. Leben inderKunst. Vivredansl'art. Vivirenelarte, Berlin School of original design. Design for dieSchule, Uneecoledeconceptionoriginale. Escueladeoriginaldiseho. Amsterdam Materials speak for themselves. Das Material spricht fiir sich, Les materiaux parlent d'eux-memes. Los materiales hablan por si mismos. Amsterdam A Venetian palazzo. Ein venezianischer Palazzo. Unpalaisvenitien. Unpalacioveneeiano. Amsterdam Sober, warm, and functional. N[Jchtern, warmundfunktional. Sobre, accueillant et fonctionnel. Sobrio, calido y funcional. Antwerp Gothic nights. GotischeNechte. Desnuitsgothiques. NochesgOticas. London When night falls... WennesNachtwird,.. Ouandlanuittombe.., Cuandocaelanoche.,i Berlin A modernist passion. Passion:Moderne. Unepassion pourlemodernisme. Pasienmodernista. London Versatility. Vielseitigkeit. Polyvalence. Polivalencia. Paris Concrete in a starring role. BetonalsStar. Lebetonstar. EIcementoeomoprotagonista. Paris Where clients are part of the family. WodieKundenzurFamiliegeheren. O01esclientsfontpartiedelafamille. Dondelosclientessonpartedelafamilia. Amsterdam Moby and Dick. MobyundDick. MobyetDick. MobyyDick. Berlin Where angels tread. ImReichderPutten. Auroyaumedescherubins, Dondepaseanlosengeles. Paris Blue Wave. DieBlaueWelle. Lavaguebleue. Laolaazul, Berlin History and stories. Geschichte und Geschichten. Emotionsretrouvees. Emocionesreencontradas. Paris Electric blue. Elektrisches Blau. Bleuelectrique. Azutelectrico. Amsterdam Open-plan pleasure. Offene Freude. Lescharmesduloft. Unplacerdeplantaabierta. London Where the sun flirts with the moon. WoSonneundMondsichbegegnen. Lesoleilarendez-vousaveclalune. Cuandoelsoltieneunacitaconlaluna. Paris High elevation. Hocherhoben. Uneelevationhaute. Agranaltura. London Ajoint with swing. EinLoftmitSwing. Unloftquiswingue. Un loft con swing. Berlin Antique modernism. Antiker Modernismus, Unmodernismeantique, Modernismoantiguo. Amsterdam A private museum. Ein privates Museum. Unmuseeprive. Unmuseoprivado, Antwerp Meditation in blue... Meditation in Blau,.. Meditationenbleu... Meditaci6nenazul.,, London Maximally urban. HSchsturban. Veritablementurbain. Urbanosuperlativo. Antwerp In the soup. InderSuppe. Danslasoupe. Entreollas. London No success for the wreckers. Kein Erfolg for die Abrissbirne. lechecelademolition. UnaderrotaparalaboladedemoliciSn. Berlin From stable to mega-loft. Vom Stall zum Megaloft. De l'ecurie au loft spacieux. De establo a megaloft. Amsterdam Ode to Andy Warhol. Ode an Andy Warhol. Une ode e Andy Warhol, Oda a Andy Warhol. Antwerp Berlin's Soho. Berlins Soho. Soho e Berlin. El Soho de Berlin. Berlin An old pulley-room. Ein alter Flaschenzugraum. Une ancienne poulie. Una vieia cemara de poleas, Antwerp An exercise in history. Eine Geschichtsstunde. Un exercice d'histoire. Una clase de historia. London Technicolor. Technicolor, Technicolor. Teenicolor. Antwerp Transparancy. Transparenz. Transparence, Transparencia. Antwerp Urban beachcomber. Strandgut in der Stadt. Un ramasseurd'epavescitadin. Raquerourbano, London On a wing and a prayer. Hier spielt die Orgel. De l'amour de l'ancien. Oratorio de altos vuelos. London A suitcase in Berlin. Ein Koffer in Berlin. Une mallea Berlin, Una maleta en Berlin. Berlin Past perfect. Past perfect. Past perfect. Pasado perfecto, London Space enough for two dogs. Piatz for zwei Hunde. Suffisamment d'espace pour deux chiens, Suficiente espacio para dos perros. London Rule of three. Dreisatz. Regle de trois. Regla de tres. Paris A visual treat. Ein Fest for die Augen. Untraitementvisuel, Un placer visual. London Willem on the Willemdok Willem am Willemdock, Willem sur le Willemdok. Willem en el Willemdok. Antwerp Playof light. Lichtspiele. Jeux de verreries. Juego de luz. Paris Photo credits. Bildnachweis. Credits photographiques, Creditos fotogreficos. |
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