Possibly more than any other artist, Gau guin has been the subject of a wide variety of myths about the role of the artist and the creative process. The construction of a legend surrounding the man and his work is partly due to an attempt to place him at the beginnings of modernist art, in recog nition of the formal innovations in his work. His exotic personality, the subject of a number of films and novels, lends itself to the creation of a fiction. Yet the development of myths surrounding the artist and his production began during his lifetime and much of it was manipulated by Gau guin himself.
Paul Gauguin is almost as well known for his bohemian life, his flight from what he called the disease of civilization", as for his exotic painting. He was born in Peru, educated in France, and spent five years as a merchant seaman. In 1872, aged 24, he became a stock broker in Paris, took up painting as a leisure activity and exhibited at several of the Im pressionist exhibitions, becoming a full-time painter in 1883.
In this reassessment of Gauguin, art historian Lesley Stevenson sets his life and work in the social and artistic context of late nineteenth century France in order to dispel some of the mythology that has accumulated around him, much of it created by the artist himself. By emphasizing the importance of the early work, painted in his spare time when he was a successful and wealthy stockbroker, she demonstrates that Gauguin started as a con ventional painter in the impressionist style. Only after losing his job did he decide to com mit himself to painting and begin to produce the highly coloured, heavily simplified works associated with his mature style.
Gauguin recognized the importance of patrons, dealers and critics in the formation of an artistic reputation and began consciously to cultivate a bohemian persona for himself, founded on contemporary ideas Of the "civi lized savage". The desire to seek out "primitive" motifs took him first to Brittany, and the author traces in the work he did there many of the themes and techniques more usually regarded as typical of his South Seas work. After Brittany Gauguin settled successively in Martinique, Tahiti and finally Hivaoa but the author shows that, even in the South Seas, Gauguin was far from being the "savage" personality he liked to adopt in his art and writings. He continued to be bound to Paris by a need to promote and sell his work in the French capital.
The Seine at the Pont d"Iena, Snow
The Market Gardens at Vaugirard
Still Life with Oranges
Entrance to a Village
Sleeping Child
Cows in a Landscape
Women Bathing
The Breton Shepherdess
Four Breton Women
By the Sea, Martinique
Mango Pickers, Martinique
Tropical Landscape on Martinique
Martinique Landscape
Breton Girls Dancing, Pont-Aven
Self-Portrait (Les Miserables)
Vision after the Sermon or Jacob Wrestling with the Angel
Portrait of Madeleine Bernard
Still Life, Fete Gloanec
Van Gogh Painting Sunflowers
Night Cafe at Arles
The Alyscamps
Old Women at Arles
Grape Harvest at Arles, Human Anguish
Still Life with Fan
The Schuffenecker Family
La Belle Angele
Bonjour Monsieur Gauguin
Christ in the Garden of Olives(Agony in the Garden)
Yellow Christ
Green Christ (Breton Calvary)
Portrait of a Woman, with Still Life by CEzanne
Landscape at Le Pouldu
The Loss of Virginity or the Awakening of Spring
Tahitian Landscape
The Meal
Ia Orana Maria (Hail Mary)
Man with an Ax
Te Tiare Farani (The Flowers of France)
Nafea Faa Ipoipo? (When will you Marry ?)
Manao Tupapau (The Spirit of the Dead keeps Watch)
Arearea (Pranks)
Peasant Women from Brittany
Te Tamari no Atua (The Birth of Christ, Son of God)
Nave Nave Mahana (Wonderful Days)
Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?
Three Tahitians
And the Gold of their Bodies
The Offering