Andrea Palladio (1508, Padua-1580. Vicenza) began his architectural training under the protective mantle of the poet Giangiorgio Trissino, who provided him with the opportunity to travel to Rome. Once there, Palladio studied the city's classical buildings, an experience which later ted him to publish one of the first guides to the eternal city, "UAntichita di Roma" (1554). He also studied the 10 books of Vitruvius, the only theoretical legacy of architecture from Roman period. One of Palladio's first large architectural works was the transformation of the basilica,now called the Palladian Basilica, in Vicenza. where he was also to construct many residential buildings. In addition to this.he planned several churches in Venice from 1560 on. such as San Giorgio Maggiore.
Andrea Palladio (1508, Padua1580, Vicenza) begann seine Ausbildung als Architekt unter der Protektion des Dichters Giangiorgio Trissino, Dieser ermoglichte ihm. nach Rom zu reisen und die klassischen Bauten zu studieren. Infolge dieser Erfahrung veroffentlichte er einen der ersten Fuhrer der ewigen Stadt, L"Antichita di Roma" (1554). Er studierte die zehn Bucher Vitruvs, die einzige theoretische Schrift uber Baukunst aus romischer Zeit.Eines seiner ersten bedeutenden Werke war die Umgestaltung des AuBenbereichs der Basilika in Vincenza, die heutzutage als ,,Palladianische Basilika" bekannt ist. In dieser Stadt errichtete Palladio zahlreiche Villen. AuBerdem entwarf erab 1560 mehrere Kitchen in Venedig, u.a. San Giorgio Maggiore.
Palladian Basilica
Palazzo Chiericati
Church of the Convent of San Giorgio Maggiore
Church of II Redentore
Olympic Theater
Villa Cornaro
Villa Barbaro
Villa Badoer
Villa Emo
Villa Foscari, la Malcontenta
Villa Almerico, la Rotonda