From her tousled appearance to her perplexed stare, therewas so much about the young girl that struck Hercule Poirotas peculiar. But it was her vague confession to a possiblemurder,she's not even sure she committed that reallythrew the Belgian detective for a loop. What's more, theodd bird has suddenly gone missing. Where to? No oneknows. Why? No one cares. So what's her secret? No one'stalking. But Poirot suspects it's going to be a killer...
From her tousled appearance to her perplexed stare, therewas so much about the young girl that struck Hercule Poirotas peculiar. But it was her vague confession to a possiblemurder,she"s not even sure she committed that reallythrew the Belgian detective for a loop. What"s more, theodd bird has suddenly gone missing. Where to? No oneknows. Why? No one cares. So what"s her secret? No one"stalking. But Poirot suspects it"s going to be a killer...