The great artist is the formulator of the greatest intelligence. The sentiments which occur to him are the most delicate and. consequently, the most invisible products or translations of the mind... Work freely and madly... Above all don’t sweat over a painting; a great sentiment can be rendcred immediately, l)ream on it and look for the simplest form in which you can express it.
Having spent his childhood in Peru, Gauguin returned to Paris with his mother at the age of seven.
After his military duties,Gauguin worked as a stockbroker; it was only then that he got interested in painting. The contacts hc had made with contemporary artists like Camille Pissarro influenced him a grcat deal. Hc then decided to abandon the world of business after a financial crisis to conccntratc on his painting.
After a short stay in Denmark, thcn in Brittany, Gauguin lcf’t for Martinique for the first time; he had dreamed about going there for a long time. His second woyagc was Tahiti. It was during his Tahitian period that he painted one of his most famous paintings: Where Do We Come From? Who Are We?Where Are We Going?