Englisb for Business Studies是剑桥大学出版社一套畅销并被广泛采用的中高级至主级的商务英语学习教材。旨在帮助学习者理解并表达在经济和工商管理领域关键的概念和大量的技术性术语。全书30个单元涵盖了生产、市场营销、广告、会计与财务报表、公司结构、董事会、兼并与收购、期货与衍生产品、国际贸易、经济周期、汇率等30个重要的专题领域,其中信息技术和电子商务、企业家与风险投资是2002年修订版新增加的两个当代性专题。配套的听力录音带精选了对多位当代经济学家以及商业领域专业人士的访谈和对话。为了更好地适应中国学习者的需要,本丛书编委会还将组织国内专家编写配套的《辅导学习手册》。
Englisb for Business Studies还被剑桥大学考试委员会推荐为适合BEC高级应试者的学习教材。同时,它还是财经类专业研究生、MBA商务英语的理想教材,也适合在职人员英语培训之用。
Map of the book
Thanks and acknowledgements
Introduction to the learner
1 The three sectors of the economy
2 Management
3 Company structure
4 Work and motivation
5 Management and cultural diversity
6 Recruitment
7 Labour relations
8 Production
9 Products
10 Marketing
11 Advertising
12 Promotional tools
13 Accounting and financial statements
14 Banking
15 Stocks and shares
16 Bonds
17 Futures and derivatives
18 Market structure and competition
19 Takeovers,mergers and buyouts
20 Efficiency and employment
21 Business ethics
22 The role of government
23 Central banking,money and taxation
24 Exchange rates
25 The business cycle
26 Keynesianism and monetarism
27 International trade
28 Economics and ecology
29 Information techology and electronic commerce
30 Entrepreneurs and venture capital
Appendix and Bibliography