The brief life and visionary work of one of Italy's greatest twentieth century architects, Antonio Sant'Elia, caused him to be posthumously feted as one of the great first generation Futurists.Now for the first time, over 50 of Sant'Elia's architectural paintings, drawings and sketches from all periods of his oeuvre are collected together.
The work of Antonio Sant"Elia(Como,1888-1916)falls within the tradition of Viennese Art Nouveau and owes no small debt to the building style of Otto Wagner.Sant"Elia"s work,however,also moves into the most radical and absolute modernity.In contact with Manifesto on Architecture in 1914.But going eyond adhe-sion to this vanguardist move-ment,he will express his archi-tectural ideas by way of a very highly developed concept of the city.His drawings of the Citta Nuova clearly show this.His early death cut off a prom-ising career just when he was beginning to forge a concrete program to meet the uncertain-ties presented by modernity.
Under the Sign of Otto Wagner
Cassa di Risparmio
Monumental Buildings
Electric Power Plants
Architectural Elements
Industrial Buildings
La Citta Nuova
Metropolitan Churches