Sports keep us fit and healthy. It's simply wonderful to leave your everyday cares behind and devote yourself to physical fit-ness by exercising your body and feeling its energy. There's nothing like sports for creating the perfect equilibrium between body and soul. And today's society gives us countless opportuni-ties to become active. People of all ages can readily find the kind of sports activity that's right for them, whether it's bungee jumping or meditative lap swimming.
Sports products offer nearly limitless scope for design innovation and creativity, constituting as they do a synthesis of function, beauty, high tech materials and imaginative concepts. The 400 pages and over 800 photos in this book are divided into sections On snow, air. water and earth. The book provides fascinating insight into the most advanced product concepts from today"s leading international sports brands.
Kaum ein Designbereich bietet so viel Raum for Innovationen und Kreativitat wie der des Sport Designs. Funktionalitat und Schonheit verbinden sich in der Kombination von High Tech Materialien und fantasievoHen Entwuffen. Aufgeteilt in die Kapitel Schnee, Lufl, Wasser und Erde zeigt dieses Buch auf 400 Seiten und mehr als 800 Fetes einem umfassenden Uberblick uber die neuesten Produkte der namhaftesten interna tionalen Sportmarken.