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书名 光学(第4版改编版)/海外优秀理科类系列教材
分类 科学技术-自然科学-物理
作者 (美国)赫克特
出版社 高等教育出版社



本书是国外比较新的一本光学教材,被国外多所院校指定或推荐作为学生的主要参考书。书中基本覆盖了我国光学课程的主要教学内容,课程体系也和我国光学教学相接近。该书语言生动,讲解清楚,图片丰富,还介绍一些光学领域的最新成果和研究课题。经过国内有经验的教师根据国内教学要求有针对性地改编后,该书更加适合国内的教学实际,具有很强的教学适用性,是一本非常好的双语教学教材。   本书可供普通高等学校物理类专业作为双语教学教材使用,也可供其他专业和社会读者参考。


1 A Brief History /l

 1 1 Prolegomenon/1

 1 2 Inthe Beginning/l

 1 3 From the Seventeenth Century/2

 1 4 The NIneteenth Centu ry/4

 1 5 Twentieth—Centu ry Optics/7

2 Electromagnetic Theory,Photons,and Light/11

 2 1 Basic Laws of Electromagnetic Theory/12

 2 2 Electromagnetic Waves/21

 2 3 Energy and Momentum/25

 2 4 Radiation/39

 2 5 Light in Bulk Matter/49

 2 6 The Elect romagnetic—Photon Spectrum/59

 2 7 Quantum Field Theory /66


3 The Propagation of Light/73

 3 1 Introduction/73

 3 2 Rayleigh Scattering /73

 3 3 Reflection/85

 3 4 Refraction /90

 3 5 Fermars Principle/97

 3 6 The Electromagnetic Approach/105

 3 7 Total InternaI Reflection/117

 3 8 Optical Properties of Metals/123

 3 9 Famlliar Aspects of the Jnteraction Light and Matter/129

 3 10 The Stokes Treatment of Reflection and Refraction /134

 3 11 Photons.Waves,and Probability/136


4 Geometrical Optics/149

  4 1 Introductory Remarks/149

  4 2 Lenses/150

  4 3 Stops/177

  4 4 Mi rrors/182

  4 5 Prisms /197

  4 6 Fiberoptics/205

  4 7 Optical Systems /216

  4 8 Wavefront Shaping /251

  4 9 Gravitational Lensing/258


5 More on Geometrical Optics/270

  5 1 Thick Lenses and Lens Systems/270

  5 2 Analytical Ray Tracing·/275

  5 3 Aberrations/282

  5 4 GRIN Systems/310

  5 5 Concluding Remarks/313


6 The Superposition of Waves…318

  6 1 The Addition of Waves of the Same Frequency/319

  6 2 The Addition of Waves of Different Frequency/335

  6 3 Anharmonic Periodic Waves/345

  6 4 Nonperiodic Waves/353


7 Interference/372

  7 1 Gene ral C0nslderatiOns/373

  7 2 Cenditions for Interference/377

 7 3 Wavefront—splitting Interferometers/381

 7 4 Amplitude—splitting Interferometers/390

 7 5 Types and Localization of inte rference Fringes/407

 7 6 MultipIe Beam Interference/409

 7 7 Applications of Single and Multilayer Films/42C

 7 8 Applications of Interferometry /428


8 Diffraction/440

 8 1 Preliminary C0nsideratiOn8/440

 8 2 Fraunhofer Dlffraction/450

 8 3 Fresnel Diffraction /493

 8 4 Kirchheft’s Scalar Dlffraction Theory /526

 8 5 Boundary DIffraction Wayes/530


9 Polarization/538

 9 1 The Nature of Polarized Light /538

 9 2 Polarizers/546

 9 3 Dichroism/548

 9 4 Birefringence/552

 9 5 Scattering and Polarization/565

 9 6 Polarization by Reflection /568

 9 7 Retarders/573

 9 8 CIrcular Polarizers/581

 9 9 Polarization of Polychromatic Light/582

 9 10 Optical Activity/584

 9 11 Induced Optical Effects- Optical Modulators / 590

 9 12 Liquid C rystals//597

 9 13 A Mathematical Description of polarization/601


10 Fourier Optics/615

 10 1 Introduction/615

 10 2 Fou rier Transforms/615

 10 3 Optical Applications/630


11 Basics of Coherence Theory/669

 11 1 Introduction /669

 11 2 Visibility/672

 11 3 The Mutual Coherence Function and the Deg ree of Coherence/679

 11 4 Coherence and Stellar Inter— ferometry/684


12 Modern Optics:Lasers and Other Topics/693

 12 1 Lasers and Laserlight/693

 12 2 Imagery—The Spatial Distribution of Optical Information / 725

 12 3 Holography/745

 12 4 Nonlinear Optics /764


Appendix 1/776

Appendix 2/780

Table 1 /781

Solutions to Selected Problems/787




In chapters to come we will evolve a formal treatment of much of the science of Optics,with particular emphasis on aspects of contemporary interest.The subject embraces a vast body of knowledge accumu-lated over roughly three thousand years of the human scene.Before embarking on a study of the modern view of things optical,let"s briefly trace the road that led us there,if for no other reason than to put it all in perspective.1.2:In the BeginningThe origins of optical technology date back to remote antiquity.Exodus 38:8(ca.1200B C E)recounts how Bezaleel,while preparing the ark and tabernacle,recast"the looking-glasses of thewomen"into a brass laver(a ceremonial basin).Early mirrors were made of polished copper,bronze,and later on of speculum,a copper alloy rich in tin.Specimens have survived from ancientEgypt-a mirror in perfect condition was unearthed along with some tools from the workers"quartersnear the pyramid of Sesostris II(ca.1900B C E)in the Nile vaUey.The Greek philosophers Pythagoras,Democritus,Empedocles,Plato,Aristotle,and others developed several theories of the natureoflight.The rectilinear propagation oflight(P.77)was known,as wasthe Law ofReflection(P.86)enunciated by Euclid(300B C E)in his book Catoptrics.Hero of Alexandria attempted to explain both these phenomena by asserting that light traverses the shortest allowed path between two points.The burning glass(a positive lens used to start fires)was alluded to by Aristophanes in his comic play The Clouds(424B.C.E.).The apparent bending of objects partlyimmersedin water(P 93)ismentionedin Plato"s Republw.Refraction was studied by Cleomedes(50A D)and later by Claudius Ptolemy(130AD)of Alexandria.who tabulated fairly precise measurements of the angles of incidence and refraction for severalmedia(P.92).Itis clearfromthe accounts ofthe historian Pliny(23-79A D)thatthe Ro.Bans also possessed burning glasses Several glass and crystal spheres have been found among Romanruins,and a planar convex lens was recovered in Pompeii.The Roman philosopher Seneca(3B c E一65A D)pointed out that a glass globe filled with water could be used for magnifying purposes.And it is certainly possible that some Roman a~isans may have used magnifying glasses to facilitate very fine detailed werk.

After the fall of the Western Roman Empire(475A D),which roughly marks the start of the Dark Ages,little or no scientific progress was made in Europe for a great while.The dominance of the Gre-co-Roman-Christian culture in the lands embracing the Mediterranean soon gave way by conquest to the rule of Allah.The center of scholarship shifled to the Arab world,and Optics was studied and extended,especially by Alhazen(ca.1000A D).He elaborated Off the Law of Reflection,putting the angles of incidence and reflection in the same plane normal to the interface(P.88):he studied spherical and parabolic mirrors and gave a detailed description ofthe human eyefP.216).

By the latter part of the thirteenth century.Europe was only beginning to rouse from its inteUectu.alstupor.Alhazen"s work was translated into Latin.and it had a great effect on the writings of Robert Grosseteste(1175-1253),Bishop of Lincoln,and on the Polish mathematician Vitello(or Witelo).both of whom were influential in rekindling the study of Optics.Their works were known to the Fran.ciscan Roger Bacon(1215一1294).who iS considered by many to be the first scientist in the modemsense.He seems to have initiated the idea of using lenses for correcting vision and even hinted at the possibility of combining lenses to form a telescope.Bacon also had some understanding of the way in which rays traverse a lens.After his death,Optics again languished.Even the mid一1300s. European paintings were depicting monks wearing eyeglasses.And alchemists had come up with a liq-uid amalgam of tin and mercury that was rubbed onto the back of glass plates to make mirrors.Leonar.d0 da Vinci(1452-1519)described the camera obscura(P.237).1ater popularized by the work of Giovanni Battista Della Porta(1535-1615).who discussed multiple mirrors and combinations of posi.tive and negative lenses in his Magia naturalis(1589).

This.for the most part.modest array of events constitutes what might be called the first period of Optics It was undoubtedly a beginning-but on the whole a humble one.The whirlwind of accom.plishment and excitement was to come later,in the seventeenth century.      (P1-2)




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