The New Oxford Thesaurus of English is a new type of thesaurus, it gives you more choice and more help than any other comparable thesaurus, and will enrich your creative writing,essays, or letters, or simply your enjoyment of the English language.
Tracking the growth of English worldwide lies at the heart of this, the world's greatest language research programme and the most comprehensive one in operation in the world today. On average 18,000 examples of new words, idioms, and phrases are collected every month by a 60-strong international network of readers.
Once sufficient evidence for a new word has been collected, a new entry is prepared. Specialist lexicographers research the meaning and origin of the word, and consult the panel of Oxford Special Subject Advisers, a 150-strong international consultative body working in some of the world's greatest institutions, universities,and companies.
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The New Oxford Thesaurus of English