At first Hercule Poirot found Miss Emily's letter quite typical--a dramatic, somewhat hysterical appeal for confidential assistance. What piqued Poirot's interest was that it was dated two months prior. Who would wait so long to postmark a life-and-death plea? A visit to Miss Emily's estate reveals that the wealthy mistress of Littlegreen had been dead for some time, leaving behind a bitterly contested will, and a pack of greedy heirs with motives for murder. What Poirot really wants to know is who mailed the letter? And why so late?
At first Hercule Poirot found Miss Emily"s letter quite typical--a dramatic, somewhat hysterical appeal for confidential assistance. What piqued Poirot"s interest was that it was dated two months prior. Who would wait so long to postmark a life-and-death plea? A visit to Miss Emily"s estate reveals that the wealthy mistress of Littlegreen had been dead for some time, leaving behind a bitterly contested will, and a pack of greedy heirs with motives for murder. What Poirot really wants to know is who mailed the letter? And why so late?
1 The Mistress of Littlegreen House
2 The Relations
3 The Accident
4 Miss Arundell Writes a Letter
5 Hercule Poirot Receives a Letter
6 we Go to Littlegreen House
7 Lunch at The George
8 Interior of Littlegreen House
9 Reconstruction of the Dog"s Ball Incident
10 Visit to Miss Peabody
11 Visit to the Misses Tripp
12 Poirot Discusses the Case
13 Theresa Arundell
14 Charles Arundell
15 Miss Lawson
I6 Mrs. Tanios
17 Dr. Tanios
18 "A Nigger in the Woodpile"
19 Visit to Mr. Purvis
20 Second Visit to Littlegreen House
21 The Chemist. The Nurse. The Doctor.
22 The Woman on the Stairs
23 Dr. Tanios Calls On Us
24 Theresa"s Denial
25 I Lie Back and Reflect
26 Mrs. Tanios Refuses to Speak
27 Visit of Dr. Donaldson
28 Another Victim
29 Inquest at Littlegreen House
30 The Last Word