内容推荐 《中国柯尔克孜族英维史诗.玛纳斯.第四部,凯耐尼木:1-2卷:英文》由居素普·玛玛依演唱 目录 《中国柯尔克孜族英维史诗.玛纳斯.第四部,凯耐尼木.1》 Volume One Heroes of Three Generations Fought with Cannibals Semtay's western Expedition to Conquest Aytubi Krichorao Gathered Information of the Enemy at Night The Young Alemsarik's Killing of Seven Dobati Brothers Bakay Annihilated Enemies of Night Raid The Heroes Got Trapped Beside the Devils Lake Sumargan Ran for Help The Heroes Fought against the Giant Kezriarip Four Heroes Went into a Mysterious Valley by Mistake The Young Kenainym Rescued Four Heroes Sayikali Awakened the Soul of Kenainym Kenainym Killed the Giant Kezriarip Kenainym Defeated Five Giants in a Row Hero Kenainym Killed the Devils Bravely Four Heroes Fought Fiercely against Haribek Kenainym Killed the Devil Haribek Yellow-faced Death Kenainym Fought against Devil Jurendo Kenainym Chased Qingersh and Married Qinekay …… 《中国柯尔克孜族英维史诗.玛纳斯.第四部,凯耐尼木.2》 |