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书名 | 林语堂英译诗文选(套装共6册) |
分类 | 教育考试-外语学习-英语 |
作者 | 林语堂 |
出版社 | 外语教学与研究出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 \t《林语堂英译诗文选(套装共6册)》含《明清小品(上)》《明清小品(中)》《明清小品(下)》《晋唐心印》《诸子百家》《东坡笔意》,共六册。《林语堂英译诗文选(套装共6册)》由外语教学与研究出版社出版。《明清小品》是大师手笔,林语堂英译展现传统诗文之美图文并茂,名家书画多角度呈现中国意趣美国波士顿艺术史系教授白谦慎题签书名全彩印刷,布艺精装。 内容推荐 《林语堂英译诗文选》含《诸子百家》、《晋唐心印》、《东坡笔意》、《明清小品》(上、中、下)共六册,双语对照呈现林语堂英译的古典诗文,诗文与书画相映成趣,四色全彩印刷。林语堂熟谙中西文化,其翻译中有创作,译文不仅充分展示出其英文造诣,而且把中国文人的情感、思想以及生活传达给西方读者,使西方读者能够了解和欣赏中国文化。 目录 \t《明清小品(上)》目录: \tThe Book of a Cynic Shu Shuehmou \t归有园座谈(节录) 徐学谟 \tWhy I Became a Monk Li Chuowu \t焚书(节录) 李贽 \tLetter on the Secret ofGetting Along Tsung Chen \t报刘一丈书 宗臣 \tThe Enjoyment of Incense Tu Long \t焚香之趣 屠隆 \tWish I Had Heard It from an Elder Chen Chiju \t安得长者言(节录) 陈继儒 \tTalks with a Monk Chen Chiju \t岩栖幽事(节录) 陈继儒 \tSketches by the Little Window Chen Chiju \t小窗幽记 陈继儒 \tMi Fei, the Eccentric Genius Chen Chiju \t(米襄阳志林)序 陈继儒 \tFrom an Artist's Notebook Lijih—hua \t紫桃轩杂缀(节录) 李日华 \tOn Zest in Life Yuan Chunglang \t叙陈正甫会心集 袁宏道 \tLovers of Flowers Yuan Chunglang \t好事 袁宏道 \tIn Memory of a Child Shen Chunlieh \t祭震女文 沈君烈 \tHarvest Moon on West Lake Chang Tai \t西湖七月半 张岱 \tProfessional Matchmakers Chang Tai \t扬州瘦马 张岱 \tThe Discovery of Self Chang Tai \t《琅嬛诗集》序 张岱 \tIhe Half—and—Half Song Li Mi—an \t半半歌 李密庵 \tHow to Relax Chang Nai \t息机说 张鼐 \tTales with Morals Chiang Chinchih \t雪涛谐史(节录) 江盈科 \tOn Love Chou Chuan \t英雄气短说 周铨 \tCut Flowers and Vases Chang Tehchien \t瓶花谱 张谦德 \tHints to Hosts and Guests Shen Chungying \t觞政(节录) 沈中楹 \tSound Mimicry Lin Tsehuan \t《秋声诗》自序 林嗣环 \tThe Origin of Foot—binding Yu Huai \t妇人鞋袜考 余怀 \tThe Ferryman's Wisdom Chou Yung \t小港渡者 周容 \tOn City Noises Sha Changpai \t市声说 沙张白 \tSome Dog Stories Wang Yen \t圣师录(节录) 王言 \t编后记 \t…… \t《明清小品(中)》 \t《明清小品(下)》 \t《晋唐心印》 \t《诸子百家》 \t《东坡笔意》 精彩页 \tMan loves woman like one thirsty asking for a drink.Woman loves man like one in a hot climate seeking for a cool place.Therefore the latter stays longer. \tA stupid son is worse than a profligate son because there is no hope of a change.A muddle—headed ofiicialis worse than a dishonest one because he drags others down with him. \tA well—read man often gives opinions from his reading and airs them as his own. \tA man whose face changes color at the sight of ten dollars should not be made a mayor.One whose face changes color at the sight of a hundred dollars should not lead an army. \tBetter try to build up a company offriends when you have money than try to win disciples by your lofty teachings. \tBetter feed people than bait them with words. \tA miser can amass a considerable fortune, but let something happen and he will be like a crushed rat on the streets.A bighearted man can also go broke, but something happens and he still stays as alive as a centipede who has lost some legs. \tA person who likes to drop names can fool the innocent, but not the people with a better background. \tSnobbery can be worse among the rich than among the poor.The hatred among brothers is sometimes worse than that among friends. \tWhen you see a man whose eyes are dull and fixed, you can be sure that his mind is gone.When you see a man who is obsequious, look out. \tA rash temper can conceal secret greed.A servile,ingratiating appearance helps to conceal emptiness of mind. |
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