编辑推荐 本书的出版可参与英美文学翻译及文学批评领域的学术研究 内容推荐 本书共分为两个部分,一为英美文学翻译部分,主要对英美文学作品的翻译价值、技巧及其翻译在英美文学文本中的对接进行了一定的探讨。二为英美文学批评部分,主要针对英美生态文学批评、女性观问题及其犹太文学研究等多角度问题进行了讨论,因此具有一定的现实意义。全书话题新颖、语言简练,对英语学习者了解英美文学大有裨益。 目录 ⅠLiterary Translation of British and American Literature1. The Aesthetics Orientation in Translation of Literary Works2.English Song Translation from the Respective of Metrical Pattern3.On the Gains and Losses of the Interpretative Theory of Translation4. A Study on Zhu Shenghao and Liang Shiqiu’s Translating Versions of Hamlet5. Translation Characteristics of Rhetorical Devices in English Song TranslationⅡ Literary Criticism of British and American Literary1. Charlie’s Multi-faced Images in Fitzgerald’s Babylon Revisited2. The Pickle-like Love--On the Outlooks of Love of the Hero and Heroine in The Dill Pickle3.Discussion on Philip Roth’s Jewish Writing Theme from Goodbye, Columbus4. The Interpretation on Ecological Literary Themes in The Island of Dr. Moreau5. The Feminist Tendency in Emily Dickinson’s PoetryReferences |