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内容推荐 本书从非氧化物陶瓷的基本介绍入手, 关注典型的高温气固界面特征及基本规律, 在此基础上对相关动力学模型的发展及近期新动态进行介绍, 对典型的多尺度表征方法的基本原理进行介绍。选取核心案例进行应用介绍, 旨在加强读者对该领域了解的同时, 能够初步掌握动力学模型和多尺度表征手段的使用和分析方法。 目录 Contents Chapter 1 General Introduction Chapter 2 General Types of Gas-solid Interface Reaction of NOCs 2.10 xidation 2.2 Simultaneous oxidation and volatilization Chapter 3 Kinetic Models in Theoretical Approach 3.1 Oxidation 3.1.I Passive oxidation models 3.1.2 Active/passive oxidation transition models 3.2 Coexistence of oxidation and volatilization 3.2.1 Paralinear model 3.2.2 Double-interfaces model 3.2.3 Digital-physical coupling model 3.2.4 Discussion Chapter 4 Advanced Instruments in Experimental Approach
\t4.1 Testing furnaces and TG analysis