内容推荐 为了帮助广大师生了解国外语言服务领域学术研究和行业发展动态,满足高校语言服务学科建设、人才培养、教学科研的需要,上海外语教育出版社组织专家精心策划了“新文科语言服务学术文库”,从国外原版引进多种语言服务学术著作。本文库涵盖翻译及语言服务的职业技能和企业管理两个方面,包括翻译教学、技术文档写作、本地化技术、质量管理、服务管理、众包翻译管理等。同时,为了方便读者理解重点,文库各书还专门配有中文导读和推荐阅读书目。 本文库可用作研究生教材,也适合语言服务行业人士和对语言服务感兴趣的广大社会读者作为参考书使用。 目录 List of Figures Foreword Dedication Preface Technological change Getting the balance right 1 Introduction Setting up a translation business Summary of tasks for setting up a company What type of organisation? 2 Organisational Development Write a business plan! Making the decisions Making the transition from a single practitioner Determine where the organisation wants to be Diagnose the present state 3 The Business Plan What services resources do you plan to offer? All languages in all subjects? From where are you going to run your business? Overview Delegation and departmentalisation The organisation and its industry Developing services 4 An Introduction to Quality Management ISO 9001:2000 European standard for translation services Documented quality management from the outset Quality policy Commitment Quality gap analysis …… |