内容推荐 《大学专业英语系列教程:历史学专业英语教程》由美国历史学爱、《时代之子吴晗》的作者、芝加哥大学马紫梅博士和作者共同精选。所选篇幅内容丰富,题材广泛,体裁多样。文章都是由历史学各个不同领域的巨擘人士和知名历史学家所撰写。这本教程恰似一座桥梁,使得有一定英语基础、对历史学以及相关学科有兴趣的学生和自学者通过这一桥梁,到达能正确阅读、理解英语历史原著、历史文献的彼岸。 为了帮助读者更好地理解原著,马紫梅博士对英文原著的作者及其著作做了注释,并编写了启发性强、令人深思的阅读理解练习和讨论题。为方便读者学习,编者除了对重要的历史人物和事件做了简单的注释外,对语言也进行了注释。为了让读者更好地理解文章中所出现的常用词和短语在上下文中的意义,所注释的词和短语都没有脱离语境。 《大学专业英语系列教程:历史学专业英语教程》精选了历史学不同领域的巨擘人士和知名历史学家的20篇英语文章,语言地道,注释翔实,并配有作者介绍和背景介绍。每课设计有精当的练习,以提高语言能力。《历史学专业英语教程》是历史学专业师生和英语学习爱好者的优选英语阅读教材。 目录 Unit1 Introduction to Concepts of History and Historical Writing 1 The Meanings of the Term History 2 An Overview of the Debates about Historical Writing 3 Historys Natrue 4 Culture and Society 5 The Historian and His Day Unit2 World History 6 Introduction to World History 7 A Definitrion of Civilization 8 A Comparatiove Analysis of France,Russia,and China Unit3 Ancient Greece 9 How the Greek World Grew Unit4 China 10 Chinese Economic History in Comparative Perspective 11 Chinese Science Explorations of an Anceient Tradition Unit5 Japan 12 Ideology and Imperial Japan Unit6 South Asia 13 On Some Aspects of the Historiography of Colonial India Unit7 Islamic World 14 Muhammad and the Appearance of India Unit8 Sub-Saharan Africa 15 Africa after Independence Unit9 Europe 16 From Balance of Power to World Politics Unit10 Russia and the Soviet Union 17 A Ceographical Note Uint11 United States 18 George Washington and the Enlightenment Unit12 Environmental History 19 Silent Spring Unit13 The Practice of Historical Studies:Footnotes,Endnotes and Bibliongraphies 20 Chicago Manual of Style Supplementary Reading Materials Section1 Europe 21 The Fundamental Characteristics of European Feudalism 22 The Coming of the French Revolution Section2 Latin America 23 Latin America since 1800 Section3 United States 24 The Cuban Missile Crisis 25 I Have a Dream Section4 History of Popular Culture 26 The River of Rock 27 Rock and Roll Section5 Womens History 28 The Creation of Patriarchy Key to Exercises Glossary |