内容推荐 本书为小学英语六年级阅读练习册,由小学教研一线老师联袂编写。全书共有100篇文章,分为话题阅读部分和拓展阅读部分。话题阅读部分共有14个话题,每个话题里有5篇文章,一共70篇。拓展阅读部分为综合阅读,共30篇文章。全书图文并茂,题型多样,难度适中。每篇文章还配有单词点拨和趣味知识等小栏目,不仅可读性强,还能提升读者的生词量。全书还配有全文翻译和答案解析,使读者在没有家长和老师辅导的情况下也能自己读得懂,锻炼自主学习能力。 目录 WEEK 1 话题阅读 Topic 1 路在何方 Passage 1 The way to my home Passage 2 The way to the post office Passage 3 Where is the supermarket? Passage 4 How can I get to the theme park? Passage 5 The city maze WEEK 2 话题阅读 Topic 2 行动计划 Passage 6 The plans for May Day Passage 7 My weekend plan Passage 8 What are you going to do? Passage 9 Linda's holiday Passage 10 Working on the farm WEEK 3 话题阅读 Topic 3 兴趣爱好 Passage 11 My hobby Passage 12 Hobbies Passage 13 Our hobbies Passage 14 Talking about hobbies Passage 15 1 can be a good singer WEEK 4 话题阅读 Topic 4 关于你我他 Passage 16 My best friend Passage 17 Sam's family Passage 18 Parents' jobs Passage 19 A new student Passage 20 My schooldays WEEK 5 话题阅读 Topic 5 感觉和印象 Passage 21 Last weekend Passage 22 Dad is ill Passage 23 My English teacher Passage 24 Four seasons Passage 25 My favourite pet WEEK 6 话题阅读 Topic 6 美好经历 Passage 26 A good day Passage 27 The trip to London Passage 28 An unforgettable birthday Passage 29 On the farm Passage 30 Last summer vacation WEEK 7 话题阅读 WEEK 8 话题阅读 WEEK 9 话题阅读 WEEK 10 话题阅读 WEEK 11 话题阅读 WEEK 12 话题阅读 WEEK 13 话题阅读 WEEK 14 话题阅读 WEEK 15 拓展阅读 WEEK 16 拓展阅读 WEEK 17 拓展阅读 WEEK 18 拓展阅读 WEEK 19 拓展阅读 WEEK 20 拓展阅读