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书名 | 中国商务文化沟通 |
分类 | 人文社科-社会科学-社会科学总论 |
作者 | 黄蕙萍,单元媛,魏龙 |
出版社 | 武汉理工大学出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 《中国商务文化沟通/靠前商务系列教材》在跨文化沟通理论和分析框架下对中国商务文化的背景、现象、渊源、具体表现进行解读和分析,对在中国进行商务活动中所遇到的文化问题提供实务操作的讲解和指导。主要内容包括中国文化概要、跨文化沟通理论和实践、中国商务文化解读、中国商务礼仪和规范、在中国进行商务活动的背景和模式等内容。《中国商务文化沟通/靠前商务系列教材》的使用范围为:来华学习的外国留学生、来华工作的外籍人士、靠前商务、靠前经济与贸易专业的本科生,也可供广大从事跨国企业经营、靠前投资、营销等靠前商务实际工作者参考。 目录 \tPart Ⅰ Theories and Practices in Cross-cultural Communication \t1 Culture and Communication \t1.1 Culture \t1.1.1 The definition of culture \t1.1.2 The basic function of culture \t1.1.3 The characteristics of culture \t1.1.4 The determinants of culture \t1.2 Communication \t1.2.1 The definition of communication \t1.2.2 Characteristics of communication \t1.2.3 The classification of communication \t1.2.4 Verbal communication \t1.2.5 Nonverbal communication \t1.2.6 Communication styles \t1.2.7 Intercultural communication \t2 The Importance of Business Culture in Doing Business \t2.1 The Definition of Business Culture \t2.2 Elements (Factors) of Business Culture \t2.3 Business (Negotiation) Process and Tactics \t2.3.1 Business (Negotiation) process \t2.3.2 Business (Negotiation) tactics \t2.4 Cultural Differences Affecting Business (Negotiation) \t3 Cultural Shock,Theories and Analytical Frameworks \t3.1 Cultural Shock \t3.1.1 Characteristics of cultural shock \t3.1.2 Causes of cultural shock \t3.1.3 Stages of cultural shock \t3.1.4 Managing cultural shock \t3.2 Theories and Analytical Frameworks \t3.2.1 Hofstede's cultural dimension \t3.2.2 Trompenaars' s cultural dimension \t3.2.3 Edwards T.Hall's cultural dimension \t3.2.4 Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck's Value Orientations \t4 Cultural Differences Analysis \t4.1 Cross-culture Similarities and Differences \t4.1.1 Similarities across cultures \t4.1.2 Differences across cultures \t4.2 Cultural Differences in Selected Countries \t4.2.1 United States of America \t4.2.2 Japan \t4.2.3 Russia \t4.2.4 France \t4.2.5 Germany \t4.2.6 Saudi Arabia \t \tPart Ⅱ Getting to Know More about the Chinese Culture \t5 Roots of Chinese Culture \t5.1 Chinese Mythology \t5.1.1 Roots of Chinese mythology \t5.1.2 Common themes in Chinese mythology \t5.1.3 Features of Chinese mythology \t5.2 Chinese Philosophy and Religion \t5.2.1 Confucianism \t5.2.2 Taoism \t5.2.3 Buddhism \t5.2.4 Their relationship \t5.3 Values, norms and some core concepts in Chinese Culture \t5.3.1 The characteristics of the Chinese culture \t5.3.2 Manifestations of the characteristics of the Chinese people \t5.3.3 Attitude to take \t \tPart Ⅲ Understanding Chinese Business Culture \t6 Collectivist Culture in China \t6.1 Prevalence of Collectivism \t6.2 The Core Beliefs in Chinese Collectivist Culture \t6.2.1 Group \t6.2.2 Loyalty \t6.2.3 Guanxi \t6.2.4 Face issues \t6.3 Guideline \t7 Hierarchical Culture in China \t7.1 High Power Distance in China \t7.1.1 So strata and so mobility \t7.1.2 Organizational structure \t7.1.3 Communication flows \t7.2 Symbols of Power in China : \t7.2.1 Education and profession \t7.2.2 Family connections \t7.2.3 Age \t7.2.4 Gender \t7.2.5 Language,dialect and accent \t7.2.6 Attire \t7.2.7 Titles \t7.3 Guideline \t8 High-context Communication in China \t8.1 Preference for High-context Communication \t8.2 Characteristics of High-context Communication in China \t8.2.1 Implicit and indirect communication \t8.2.2 Nonverbal communication emphasis \t8.2.3 Favoring indirect and circuitous reasoning \t8.2.4 Relying on intuition and trust \t8.2.5 Adhering to the spirit of the law \t8.3 Guideline \t \tPart Ⅳ Chinese Business Etiquette and So Protocol \t9 Etiquettes in Business Meetings \t9.1 The Etiquette \t9.1.1 The concept of etiquette \t9.1.2 The function of the etiquette \t9.2 International Business Etiquettes \t9.2.1 The importance \t9.2.2 The concept and characteristics \t9.2.3 International business etiquette rules \t9.3 Preparation of the Meeting \t9.3.1 Meeting appointments \t9.3.2 Seat arrangement \t9.4 Manners about Receptionists \t9.5 Business Dress \t9.5.1 Different dress for different time \t9.5.2 Different dress for different gender \t9.6 Exchanging Business (Visiting) Cards \t9.6.1 When offering business cards \t9.6.2 When receiving business cards \t9.7 Address Your Business Counterpart \t9.8 Conversation \t9.8.1 Welcome topics of conversation \t9.8.2 Topics to avoid \t9.8.3 Matters to attention \t10 Etiquettes in Business Negotiation \t10.1 The Preparation of Negotiation \t10.1.1 The purpose and requirements \t10.1.2 The basic content \t10.1.3 Method of investigation \t10.2 Candidates \t10.3 Use Good Translators and Interpreters \t10.4 Matters Need Attention \t10.5 Price \t10.6 Contracts \t10.7 When Negotiate with Chinese \t11 Etiquette in Business Office \t11.1 Communication and Conversation \t11.1.1 Medium of communication \t11.1.2 Conversation \t11.2 Hierarchical Relations \t11.2.1 Relation with superior \t11.2.2 Relation with colleague \t11.2.3 Relation with subordinate \t11.3 Work Environment \t11.3.1 Desktop environment and psychological environment \t11.3.2 Layout and decoration \t12 Etiquette in Business Dining and Gift \t12.1 Etiquette in Business Dining \t12.1.1 Seating arrangement \t12.1.2 Table manners \t12.1.3 Wine \t12.2 Etiquette in Business Gift \t12.2.1 Giving gifts \t12.2.2 Accepting gifts \tReferences |
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