内容推荐 本书在道家哲学的视野中比较沈从文的湘西小说与托马斯·哈代的威塞克斯小说中的“自然”。这些乡土小说展现了一种人文与自然的模糊分界,道家的“自然”理念可以帮助理解这些作品中的整体论。本书第一章比较《凤子》和《远离尘嚣》,重点关注小说中人与非人元素的互动。第二章比较《边城》和《丛林人》,探讨小说中自然与文化的辩证关系如何通过叙事和人物塑造的“静默”体现,这点可以借助“无为”理解。第三章比较《长河》和《还乡》,研究小说对原始与文明的表现如何消解了人文与自然的分界,并借助道家“返”的概念阐释其整体论。 目录 Definitions and Abbreviations Introduction I.Literary Reverberations between England and China II.Nature as a Novel Interest III.Ziran:A Taoist Conception of Nature IV.The Comparative Methodology:Potential and Principle V.Ecocriticism and Taoism Chapter 1 The Relational Self in Symbiosis:Far from the Madding Crowd and Fengzi I.Novels of Character and Ziranx II.A Relational Self and the Secularised Religion of Nature III.A Reconceptualisation of Pastoralism IV.Conclusion Chapter 2 The Aesthetics of Silence:The Woodlanders and The Border Town I.Relative Silence of Speech II.Novelistic Lyricism? III.The Seasonal Tempo IV.Nature-Witnessing …… |