内容推荐 《物理学中的计算方法(英文)》回顾了物理系统仿真中很好常用的计算方案,包括很好准确的从头计算技术、粗粒度和介观方案。 《物理学中的计算方法(英文)》运用自下而上的方法来介绍物理学中使用的各种模拟方法,从较低级别和很好准确的从头计算方法开始,到基于介观粒子的方法。 《物理学中的计算方法(英文)》概述了每种方法的基础理论及其复杂性,解决了应用过程中的计算问题,并提供了具有代表性的示例,这些内容强调了各种计算方法的准确性和效率性。 《物理学中的计算方法(英文)》还介绍了各种模拟技术的优缺点,同时提供了许多相关文献的链接,以便读者进行进一步的深入阅读。 目录 Preface Acknowledgements About the author Glossary
1 Introduction 1.1 Computational physics 1.1.1 Length-scales and efficiency 1.1.2 Approaches and milestones 1.1.3 Setting-up the simulations References
2 Quantum-mechanical methods 2.1 General remarks 2.1.1 Two descriptions for the electronic structure methods 2.2 The Hartree-Fock method 2.3 Post HF schemes 2.3.1 Coupled cluster 2.3.2 Moller-Plesset perturbation theory 2.3.3 Configuration interaction 2.4 Density functional theory (DFT) 2.4.1 Exchange and correlation functionals 2.4.2 Pseudopotentials 2.4.3 Basis sets 2.4.4 Quantum transport calculations (DFT + non-equilibrium Green's functions) 2.5 Time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) 2.5.1 Computational scaling 2.6 Ab initio MD and electronic structure 2.6.1 Calculation of forces in electronic structure simulations 2.6.2 Car-Parrinello MD 2.7 Semi-empirical methods 2.7.1 The tight-binding scheme References
3 Atomistic methods 3.1 Classical molecular dynamics 3.1.1 Basics of MD simulations 3.1.2 Boundary conditions 3.1.3 Forces in molecular dynamics 3.2 Setting environment conditions 3.2.1 Thermostats 3.2.2 Barustats 3.3 Integration schemes 3.4 General remarks on MD References
4 Classical potentials and force fields 4.1 Classical pair potentials 4.1.1 Simple pair potentials 4.1.2 Bond-order potentials 4.2 Multi-body reactive force fields 4.2.1 Reactive force field (ReaxFF) 4.3 Force fields for biomolecules 4.4 Embedded atom method (EAM) 4.5 Water models 4.5.1 Explicit water models 4.5.2 Implicit water models References ……
5 Mesoseopic particle methods 6 The Monte Carlo method 7 Multiseale, hybrid, and coarse-grained methods 8 Other common aspects
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