内容推荐 \t金属二次资源种类繁多、成分复杂,选择适宜的处理方式是实现其高效循环利用的关键。本书总结了近年来作者在典型金属二次资源短流程循环利用技术方面的研究成果,根据物化性质的不同,创造性的将金属二次资源划分三大类,含低熔点金属、高熔点金属和稀贵金属的二次资源;并以热镀锌渣、废铝合金、废铪、废汽车尾气催化剂、废电路板为典型代表,系统介绍了超重力分离、熔盐电解和协同熔炼这三种适合不同种类二次资源的短流程循环利用技术的原理、工艺及应用。
目录 Chapter 1 General Introduction References Chapter 2 Recovery of Zine from Galvanizing Dross by Supergravity Technology 2.1 Conventional recovery methods for hot-dip galvanized dross 2.2 Experimental 2.3 Characterization of the original galvanizing dross 2.4 Supergravity separation of galvanizing dross 2.4.I Effect of gravity coefficient 2.4.2 Effect of separating time 2.4.3 Effect of separating temperature 2.5 Mechanism of supergravity separation of galvanizing dross 2.6 Design of industrial device References Chapter 3 Recycling of Scrap Aluminum Alloys by Supergravity Technology 3.1 Conventional recycling methods of scrap aluminum alloy 3.2 Experimental 3.3 Iron removal and aluminum recovery from scrap Al alloy 3.3.1 Effect of separating temperature 3.3.2 Effect of Mn/Fe mass ratio 3.3.3 Effect of gravity coefficient 3.4 Solidification diagram and solidified phase fraction of scrap Al alloy