内容推荐 这是莫斯科大学理论力学的优秀教材,论述了振动理论、刚体运动和哈密顿形式体系等动力学中的所有基本问题,特别强调了边分原理和分析力学及成为量子力学理论基石的哈密顿形式体系。在附录中介绍了经典力学与数学、物理学及其它领域的联系。可供理论力学专业、数学力学专业的研究生及科技人员参考。 目录 Preface Preface to the second edition Part Ⅰ NEWTONIAN MECHANICS Chapter 1 Experimental facts 1.The principles of relativity and determinacy 2.The galilean group and Newton's equations 3.Examples of mechanical systems Chapter 2 Investigation of the equations of motion 4.Systems with one degree of freedom 5.Systems with two degrees of freedom 6.Conservative force fields 7.Angular momentum 8.Investigation of motion in a central field 9.The motion of a point in three-space 10.Motions of a system of n points 11.The method of similarity Part Ⅱ LAGRANGIAN MECHANICS Chapter 3 Variational principles 12.Calculus of variations 13.Lagrange's equations …… |