内容推荐 《中国企业参与生物多样性保护与可持续利用案例:英文》由王琦等著 目录 Chapter I Terrestrial Ecosystem Conservation and Restoration Case 1-1 Biodiversity Conservation Technologies Applied in Tagaung Taung Nickel Mine Case 1-2 Practices of Pulang Copper Mine in Biodiversity Conservation Case 1-3 Shendong Scheme Becomes a Paragon of Biodiversity Conservation for Mining Enterprises Case 1-4 Biodiversity Restoration Technology for Dumps of Open-pit Coal Mines Case 1-5 Changing Mining Enterprises into Biodiversity Conservation Enterprises Case 1-6 Technologies of M·GRASS Group for Comprehensive Restoration of Grassland Ecosystem Case 1-7 Techand's Efforts in Ecosystem Restoration Case 1-8 CRCC's Conservation and Restoration of Biodiversity in Its Engineering Construction Chapter II Aquatic Biodiversity Conservation Case 2-1 Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation into the Whole Process of Hydropower Development by PowerChina Resources Limited Case 2-2 Aquatic Biodiversity Conservation in Yangtze River Basin Hydropower Development Case 2-3 Ecosystem Restoration Implemented by PowerChina in Maozhou River Basin Case 2-4 CGNPG's Efforts for Marine Biodiversity in Daya Bay Case 2-5 Mangrove Conservation by Luneng Group in Tonggu Mountain,Wenchang,Hainan Province Case 2-6 CNOOC's Practice of Conserving Marine Biodiversity in Bohai Sea Chapter III Biological Resources Conservation and Sustainable Use …… |