内容推荐 本书以简要文字和大量精美图片,详尽宣传和介绍了交织着殖民地建筑、中西合璧建筑、中国传统建筑等建筑形式的海岛之城鼓浪屿,介绍了这些建筑的特色和装饰,以及鼓浪屿的风土人情、名人轶事。本书可供建筑师,相关专业在校师生,及靠前广大读者和国外读者阅读、参考。 目录 009 I. A Heaven of Happiness in Alleys and Lanes 017 II. Western-Style Colonial Architecture 031 III. Architecture Blending Chinese and Western Styles 043 IV. Two Villas Built by Returned Overseas Chinese 057 V. A Revolution to the Traditional Layout 067 VI. Featured Construction 077 VII. A Beauty Forever 085 VIII. Mending the Mountain and Hiding the Sea 095 IX. Precious Legacy 103 X. World Cultural Heritage 109 XI. Green Spirits 113 XII. Spring All Year Round 119 XIII. Gardening with Exotic Elements 123 XIV. Rock Study and Eminent Figures 129 XV. Nomination of Gulangyu as World Heritage 140 Chronology of Major Events |