内容推荐 《水工预应力锚固设计规范》共8章19节153条和1个附录,主要包括以下内容:总则;术语和符号;一般规定;锚固体系设计;边坡锚固设计;地下洞室锚固设计;水工建筑物锚固设计;安全监测设计与试验;附录锚索承载能力试验。 目录 Introduction to English Version Foreword 1 General Provisions 2 Terms and Symbols 2.1 Terms 2.2 Symbols 3 General Requirements 3.1 Basic Data 3.2 Materials 3.3 Basic Requirements for Anchorage Design 4 Design of Anchorage System 4.1 Selection of Tendon Element 4.2 Design of Tendon Element 4.3 Design of Fixed Length 4.4 Design of Anchor Head 4.5 Protection Design of Prestressed Tendon 4.6 Design of Stressing Procedure 5 Anchorage Design of Slopes 5.1 Anchorage of Rock Slopes 5.2 Anchorage of Soil Slopes 6 Anchorage Design of Tunnels and Caverns 6.1 Anchorage of Tunnels and Caverns 6.2 Anchorage of Rock Bolt Supported Crane Beam 7 Anchorage Design of Hydraulic Structures 7.1 Anchorage of Concrete Dams 7.2 Anchorage of Prestressed Concrete Piers 7.3 Anchorage of Gate Chamber, Stilling Basin/Pond and Retaining Wall 7.4 Anchorage of Concrete Lining of Hydraulic Tunnel by Ring Prestressed Tendons 8 Design and Test of Safety Monitoring Annex A Test of Tendon Bearing Capacity Explanation of Wording |