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内容推荐 本书为英文版,系统地介绍了信息光学的基础理论、傅里叶光学的数理知识及其现代相关应用。全书内容共七章:前三章主要提供了基础光学的背景知识,包括几何光学、波动光学、信息光学的重要数学储备知识。随后,介绍了相干和非相干图像处理系统的内容(第四章)、并阐述了相干全息理论(第五章)以及非相干数字全息术和计算全息术的重要的现代发展(第六章)。此外,亦对诸如声光和电光调制器的光信息处理器件的原理进行了较为深入的阐述(第七章)。 本书在内容上注重基础与前沿的有机结合,满足该领域读者对基础知识和研究进展的需求,由浅入深地阐述现代信息光学的理论基础和发展应用,公式推导详尽,强调公式背后的物理意义和现象分析,每章用实例分析协助读者理解。 本书可作为高等院校光学、光学工程、光信息科学技术、电子科学与技术等专业的本科和研究生教学参考书,也可供相关专业的教师及科技工作者参考。 目录 1 Gaussian Optics and Uncertainty Principle 1.1 Gaussian Optics 1.1.1 Ray Transfer Matrices 1.1.2 Ray Tracing through a Thin Lens 1.2 Resolution, Depth of Focus, and Depth of Field 1.2.1 Circular Aperture 1.2.2 Annular Aperture 1.3 Illustrative Examples 1.3.1 Three-Dimensional Imaging through a Single-Lens Example 1.3.2 Angle of Spread from a Slit Example Problems Bibliography 2 Linear Invariant Systems and Fourier Analysis 2.1 Signals and Systems 2.1.1 Signal Operations 2.1.2 Some Useful Signal Models 2.1.3 Linear and Time-Invariant Systems 2.1.4 Impulse Responses 2.1.5 Frequency Response Functions 2.2 Fourier Analysis 2.2.1 Fourier Series 2.2.2 Fourier Transform 2.3 Fourier Analysis in Two Dimensions 2.3.1 The Two-Dimensional Fourier Transform 2.3.2 Calculation Examples of Some 2-D Fourier Transforms 2.3.3 Properties of the Fourier Transform 2.3.4 2-D Convolution, Correlation, and Matched Filtering Problems Bibliography 3 Wave Propagation and Wave Optics 3.1 Maxwell's Equations 3.2 Vector Wave Equations 3.3 Traveling-Wave Solutions and the Poynting Vector 3.4 Fourier Transform-Based Scalar Diffraction Theory 3.4.1 Huygens' Principle 3.4.2 Fresnel Diffraction and Fraunhofer Diffraction 3.4.3 Phase Transforming Property of an Ideal Lens 3.5 Gaussian Beam Optics 3.5.1 q-Transformation and Bilinear Transformation 3.5.2 Examples on the Use of the Bilinear Transformation Problems Bibliography 4 Spatial Coherent and Incoherent Optical Systems 4.1 Temporal Coherence and Spatial Coherence 4.2 Spatial Coherent Image Processing 4.2.1 Pupil Function, Coherent Point Spread Function, and CoherentTransfer Function 4.2.2 Coherent Image Processing Examples 4.3 Spatial Incoherent Image Processing 4.3.1 Intensity Point Spread Function and Optical Transfer Function 4.3.2 Incoherent Image Processing Examples 4.4 Scanning Image Processing 4.4.1 Coherent Imaging 4.4.2 Incoherent Imaging 4.5 Two-Pupil Synthesis of Optical Transfer Functions Problems Bibliography 5 Principles of Coherent Holography 5.1 Fresnel Zone Plate as a Point-Source Hologram 5.1.1 On-axis Recording 5.1.2 Off-axis Recording 5.2 Three-Dimensional Holographic Imaging 5.2.1 Recording and Reconstruction 5.2.2 Lateral and Longitudinal Holographic Mognifications 5.3 Types of Holograms 5.3.1 Gabor Hologram and On-axis Hologram 5.3.2 Fourier Hologram 5.3.3 Image Hologram 5.3.4 Complex Spatial Filtering and Joint-Transform Correlation Problems Bibliography 6 Digital Holography 6.1 Coherent Digital Holography 6.1.1 CCD Limitations 6.1.2 Optical Recording of Digital Holograms 6.2 Modern Digital Holographic Techniques 6.2.1 Phase-Shifting Holography 6.2.2 Optical Scanning Holography in Coherent Mode 6.3 Incoherent Holography 6.3.1 Optical Scanning Holography in Incoherent Mode 6.3.2 Fresnel Incoherent Correlation Holography 6.3.3 Coded Aperture Imaging and Coded Aperture Correlation Holography 6.3.4 Pre-processing in Optical Scanning Holography 6.4 Computer-Generated Holography 6.4.1 Point-Based Approach 6.4.2 Polygon-Based Approach Problems Bibliography 7 Spatial Light Modulators for Processing Optical Information 7.1 Information Processing with Acousto-Optic Modulators 7.1.1 The Acousto-Optic Efect 7.1.2 Raman-Nath and Bragg Difraction 7.1.3 Typical Applications of the Acousto-Optic Effect 7.2 Information Processing with Electro-Optic Modulators 7.2.1 Polarization of Light 7.2.2 Index Ellipsoid and Birefringent Wave Plates 7.2.3 The Electro-Optic Effect 7.2.4 Electro-Optic Intensity Modulation and Phase Modulation 7.3 Inform |