内容推荐 本书是国际营销资深学者沃伦·基根教授的代表作,在世界许多国家和地区广泛使用。书中介绍了很多前沿的概念或分析工具,如产品生命周期、杠杆作用、资源获取、全球战略伙伴关系、国家竞争优势分析框架等,帮助学生在全球营销中把握发展机会,成功实施4P理论和策略组合。本书配有丰富的教辅资源,包括PPT讲义、教师手册、试题等,适合用作高等院校经济管理类专业本科生、研究生、MBA、国际商务硕士等的双语教材。 目录 Preface PART ONE INTRODUCTION Chapter 1 Introduction to Global Marketing CASE 1-1 The Global Marketplace Is Also Local 1-1 Introduction and Overview 1-2 Principles of Marketing:A Review Competitive Advantage,Globalization,and Global Industries 1-3 Global Marketing:What it is and What it isn't 1-4 The Importance of Global Marketing 1-5 Management Orientations Ethnocentric Orientation Polycentric Orientation Regiocentric Orientation Geocentric Orientation 1-6 Forces Affecting Global Integration and Global Marketing Driving Forces Restraining Forces 1-7 Outline of This Book Summary …… |