内容推荐 本书精选了35个不怕鬼的故事,这些故事取自中国古代经典作品,包括《列异传》《夷坚志》《幽明录》《子不语》《阅微草堂笔记》《聊斋志异》等,展现了中国人不怕鬼的文化基因和精神传承。著名画家程十发专门为外文版绘制9幅精美有趣的插图,更增收藏价值。本书为英文版。 目录 Preface Ho Chi-fang Sung Ting-po Catches a Ghost Juan Teh-ju Tsui Min-chueh Tou Pu-yi Chen Luan-feng Wei Pang The House of Lord Shih Wang Chih-fu Chiang Chien The Scholar of Changchow Men Take Refuge from Ghosts in a Bath-house Su Tung-po and the Wet-nurse Fake Ghosts Wang Chieh Is Not Afraid of Ghosts Black Magic Keng Chu-ping Catching a Fox and Shooting at a Ghost Kao Chung Fights a Sea Monster Yeh Lao-to Ghosts Fear Men Who Pit Their Lives Against Them The Care-free Gentleman Chen Peng-nien Blows Away the Ghost of a Hanged Woman Wang Chi-ming The Evil Spirit Whose Bluff Was Called Frying a Ghost What Tsao Chu-hsu Says Hsu Nan-chin of Nanpi Ghosts Avoid Chiang San-mang Tien Pu-man Smearing the Ghost's Face with Ink A Tale Told by Tai Tung-yuan Li Hui-chuan's Story The Man of Chingho Pan the Scholar Chen Tsai-heng |