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书名 | 云上的奶奶(英) |
分类 | 文学艺术-文学-中国文学 |
作者 | 陈媛 |
出版社 | 五洲传播出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 故事没有华丽的辞藻和复杂的情节,只是用最朴实的文字讲述了一位慈祥坚忍的老人养育患有先天性脑瘫孙女的故事。尽管如此,它却具有直击人心的力量。 内容推荐 陈媛,四川省都江堰人,1983年出生。先天性小脑偏瘫使她语音不清、走路不稳。19岁,她读完初一后被迫辍学。之后她绝望过、哭泣过,甚至想到轻生。但是,来自奶奶的大爱与挽救让她重新振作,她开始了艰难的自学以及创作之路。功夫不负有心人,如今,她成为四川省作家协会会员,并受邀到多所学校开展励志演讲。她得到《四川日报》、四川省电视台等多家媒体采访报道。2008年,5·12特大地震使她流离失所,她依然拖着残疾的躯体走进地震康复中心,用自己的故事鼓励地震中受伤致残的孩子们。2011年春天,她圆梦大学。受恩于人施恩于人的她,选择了社会工作专业。2012年,她被确诊为肌张力叠加综合症,行动越来越来困难,但是她仍然以顽强毅力完成了描写“残疾孩子与奶奶”感情的温暖动人的自传体长篇小说——《云上的奶奶》。 目录 Preface: The whole world should pay tribute to the madamChapter 1: Life Is like a NetA devastating announcementLove saved my lifeSacrifice for loveThe difficult journey to seek medical treatmentChapter 2: Old AngelsThe most helpless cry for helpI knelt on the bed to massage Grandma’s backGrandma added little tails to my shoesExclusive shoes for meThe most powerful baby feetChapter 3: Different Fairy TalesA thrilling climbI cried for the dollMy concertI called the kindergarten with a toy phoneHope was dashed because of my disabilityMy paradise aloneChapter 4: Love Enables Us to Read Messages from the Farthest PlanetInteresting arithmeticMobile literacy cardsI secretly learned to write the character “奶”I expressed my love with a trembling pencilChapter 5: Jump, JumpI played hopscotch aloneGrandma helped me to jump!Applause for my leapThe crescent mark on my instepGrandma forced me to ride a bikeEven if I fell, I would learn to ride a bikeChapter 6: Only Warm Tears Could Quench ThirstThe call of life on the Chinese New Year’s EveThe most painful cryWarm prayersA warm sweater vestA defense of loveGrandma chewed peanuts and fed them to meChapter 7: Death Couldn’t Catch Up with MeI set out in the darkness for loveI brushed against deathTears in a warm embraceAn innocent promiseThe most embarrassing loveGrandma taught me to be kindChapter 8: FireworksThe severest criticismI ran away in anger and later asked for forgivenessA helpless mistakeArgumentsChapter 9: It Is True That We Are Not DifferentButtonsI wanted to be as capable as other peopleA swimming ring with a beautiful fairyGrandma taught me to swimChapter 10: I Had a Date with DeathThe happiest momentI cried when my parents announced their decision to get divorcedThinking of parting, I dated deathI understood providenceHow could I live without Grandma?Love was cut off by fateChapter 11: I Needed an Umbrella to Keep Out the Pouring TearsA phone call with tearsThe umbrella outside the classroom and the old gatekeeperGrandma was worried about me and later happy for meA serious conversationChapter 12: The Most Painful Moment in My LifeGrandma’s kneeling hurt meGrandma’s indifferenceGrandma encouraged me to learn by myselfA set of precious booksThe happiest smileChapter 13: The Brightest Star in the Night SkyI was warmed by love in despairGrandma was waiting for me by the riverAfter Grandma scolded me, I gave up my plan to commit suicideGrandma, please allow me to bring you loveThe most painful strikeThe heaviest agreementChapter 14: The News of Grandma’s Illness Struck Me like a Bolt from the BlueThe sky of love was crushed by the bad newsSilent prayersUnspoken concernsBitterness mixed with sweetnessI wanted to give Grandma a harborComfort in despairChapter 15: Please Delay the Train to Heaven. Let Me Give Her Warmth for the Last TimeGrandma was proud of meI relieved her pain with the warmth of loveI comforted her with laughterA terrible notice of critical illnessChapter 16: Grandma on the CloudA cruel expulsionA lifelong regretA crystal heartGrandma’s love illuminates my lifeEpigraph: Love makes miracles |
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