内容推荐 本教材以英文编写,主要包括微生物与免疫实验两部分。通过一系列教材编排,力求让学生充分理解掌握无菌操作的要求和意义、免疫学的常用研究技术原理和应用等。通过与教材配套的本实验课程,巩固实践《微生物与免疫》理论课程内容,培养学生严谨的科学态度和创新、批判性思维的能力,以及独立根据事实分析和解决问题的能力,为学习其他药学课程打下坚实的基础。 目录 Preface Introduction Requirements of lab reports Biosafety levels in laboratories Basic Experimental Techniques Sterile technique Use of microscope, micropipette and centrifuge Bacterial culture Bacterial staining Basic skills of animal experiment Medical Microbiology Experiment Experiment 1 Gram staining and distribution of bacteria Experiment 2 Observation of morphology and structure of the bacteria and influence of external factors on bacteria Experiment 3 Pathogenic Cocci Experiment 4 Biochemical reaction of bacteria Experiment 5 Isolation and cuhure of intestinal Bifidobacterium Medical Immunology Experiment Experiment 1 Agglutination reaction Experiment 2 Immunoelectrophoresis test Experiment 3 E-rosette forming cell test Experiment 4 T lymphocyte transformation test Experiment 5 Preparation of mouse splenoeyte Experiment 6 Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay Experiment 7 Production of polyelonal antibody Experiment 8 Flow cytometry |