内容推荐 本书分为三大部分,共11个章节。 第一部分(第一章)浓缩记录了历次全球传染病大流行。分别回顾了鼠疫、霍乱、天花、流感、新冠肺炎等历次全球传染病大流行的严重危害,分析了中东呼吸综合征、埃博拉病毒病、SARS等可能导致大流行的传染病威胁。 第二部分(第二章至第七章)荟萃了人类对传染病大流行的最新科学认识。系统阐释了大流行的实现途径、大流行的挑战、病原体跨种传播、基于基因测序的病原体监测与预警、气候变化对大流行的威胁及全球化与大流行。 第三部分(第八章至第十一章)凝练了全球应对传染病大流行的策略和经验。介绍了大流行防范与应对的策略和措施;以新冠肺炎疫情为例,总结了全球应对新冠肺炎大流行的干预措施及中国抗疫经验。 本书为英文版。 目录 Chapter 1 Pandemic Threats I.The Plague II.Cholera III.Smallpox IV.Influenza V.COVID-19 VI.Other infectious diseases that may cause pandemics References Chapter 2 How Pandemics Arise I.Characteristics of pandemics and determination criteria II.Characteristics of pandemic-inducing infectious diseases III.Factors contributing to pandemics of infectious diseases References Chapter 3 The Challenges of Pandemics I.Absence of a unified global community of interest II.Monitoring systems insufficient for early warning and response III.Lack of urgency and targeted measures early in the pandemic IV.Overburdened healthcare providers and lack of effective drugs V.Inequitable vaccine distribution and vaccine hesitation VI.Ineffective public education and social stigma and discrimination VII.Shortage of other diseases prevention and control services References Chapter 4 Cross-Species Transmission of Pathogens I.Risk of cross-species transmission of pathogens II.Challenges of cross-species transmission of pathogens III.Studies on SARS-CoV-2 hosts IV.Risk assessment of cross-species transmission of pathogens References Chapter 5 Genetic Sequencing-Based Pathogen Surveillance and Early Warning Systems I.Methods for monitoring pathogenic variation II.Pathogen genome surveillance network and data sharing system III.Bioinformatic prediction and warning of pathogenicity variations References Chapter 6 The Threat of Climate Change to Pandemics I.Climate change and pandemics II.The impact of climate factors on the COVID-19 pandemic III.Strategies to cope with the risk of infectious diseases under climate change References Chapter 7 Globalization and Pandemics I.The impact of globalization on pandemics II.The impact of pandemics on globalization III.The Chinese approach to addressing globalization and pandemics References Chapter 8 Pandemic Preparedness I.Surveillance of and preparedness for animal-origin pathogens with pandemic potential II.Policy and coordination mechanisms III.Basic capacity building IV.Scientific research V.Workforce and talent training and reserve References Chapter 9 Pandemic Response and Assessment I.PHEIC response and assessment II.Assessment of pandemic response capacity References Chapter 10 The COVID-19 Pandemic I.The COVID-19 outbreak II.Epidemiological characteristics of the SARS-CoV III.Identification of SARS-CoV-2 pathogens IV.Origin tracing of SARS-CoV V.COVID-19 prevention and control measures and their effectiveness VI.Reflections and outlook References Chapter 11 China’s Experience in the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 and Its Contribution to the World I.The four phases of China’s COVID-19 prevention and controlefforts II.China’s experience in the prevention and control of COVID-19 III.China’s contribution to the world through its response to COVID-19 References Acknowledgments |