内容推荐 麦积山石窟是一个历经千年的文化历史交融遗迹,崖体上分布着密如蜂房的洞窟,洞窟里的塑像与壁画都像一帧帧历史电影画面,蕴含着丰富的社会历史文化。麦积山因山形如麦垛之状而得名,麦积山石窟作为“中国四大石窟”之一,被誉为“东方雕塑陈列馆”。 本书为《麦积山石窟:东方雕塑艺术陈列馆》的英文版,该书的中文版于2019年由西安出版社出版。本书是一部介绍石窟艺术与历史文化的导览书,也是一部叙述文物故事的通俗读物。本书以麦积山石窟参观路线上的精品洞窟为主线,重点呈现麦积山石窟造像艺术,详细介绍麦积山石窟博大精深的历史文化。把麦积山石窟建筑特色、雕塑艺术、壁画内容成功地展现给读者,让读者感受麦积山石窟艺术的魅力及观赏价值,体会麦积山石窟的辉煌与衰落,同时激发读者对麦积山石窟的浓厚兴趣及期待,促使大众读者深度了解麦积山石窟。 作者简介 杨香玲,甘肃省天水人,硕士,天水师范学院外国语学院教授,硕士生导师。研究方向为英语教学与测评。在《中国外语教育》《兰州大学学报》《吉首大学学报》《英语研究》等期刊发表论文40余篇;出版专著3部,参编教材1部。主持并完成国家基础教科研项目3项,甘肃省教育厅教科研项目6项,甘肃省教育规划项目2项。获全国教育硕士优秀教师奖,甘肃省高校社科优秀成果二等奖2项,天水市社科优秀成果二等奖2项,校级教书育人和教学科研骨干奖多项。 目录 Opening Words Stories on the Silk Road: The Maiji Mountain Grottoes The Maiji Mountain Grottoes Thousands of Years in Longshan The Construction and Development of the Maiji Mountain Grottoes Vicissitudes in Thousand Years, Brightness in the New Century The Ruiying Temple The Shakyamuni Statue in the Mountain, Auspicious Light in the Temple Stupa A View of the Wind and Clouds from the Top of a Majestic Mountain Cave1 The Buddha Entering Nirvana Cave2 The Kunlun Tamer Cave74 The Style of the Western Regions Cave76 The Rain of Flowers in Clear Sky Cave78 The Qiu Chi Donors Cave87 Kasyapa Cave90 The Three Buddhas Sitting Side by Side Cave98 The Three Western Saints Cave115 Shanggui Sima Cave121 The Whisperers Cave127 The Painted Buddha Grottoes Cave133 The Secret Cave of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Cave135 Above Paradise Cave147 The Elegant and Refined Portrayal Cave165 The Beauty of Simplicity and Elegance Cave43 The Soul Returning to Buddha Cave Cave44 The Oriental Beauty Cave123 The Virgin Boy and Girl Cave191 The Vajra of Incarnation Cave3 Thousands of Buddhas with Thousands of Faces Cave9 The Pavilion of Scattered Flowers on the Precipice Cave62 The Divine Bird of Common Destiny Cave5 Face Round as Pearls and Smooth as Jades Cave24 The Calf with Golden Horns and Silver Hooves Cave13 The Buddha Viewing the Boundless Universe The Fasheng Stele Tramping in Chaos, Meditating in the Maiji Mountain The Official Certification of the Allocated Fields by the Sichuan Imperial Bureau Running between Long (Gansu) and Shu (Sichuan) during the War The Ancient Documents of the Maiji Mountain Grottoes Sutra Scrolls Respectfully Collected in the Old Temple The Ancient Plank Roads of the Maiji Mountain Grottoes Flying Clouds through the Frame of the Red Ladder along the Cliff’s Face The Maiji Mountain Celebrities Passers-by of the World and All Living Beings |