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书名 最弱受约束电子理论及应用(英文版)(精)
分类 科学技术-自然科学-化学
作者 郑能武
出版社 上海科学技术出版社
本书系统详尽地介绍了一种新的量子理论——最弱受约束电子理论(WBE Theory)。阐明如何从逐级电离和全同粒子角度,将体系哈密顿算符划分成单电子哈密顿算符的两种等效方法;如何从给定的解析式,严格求解单电子薛定谔方程,得到能量和波函数的解析表达式;如何处理分子问题等。用大量示例展现该理论在物理学、化学、材料科学中的应用,以表明其准确性、简便性和普适性,并指出未来的研究方向和前景。
郑能武,福建省武夷山市(原崇安县)人。北京大学化学系本科(六年制)毕业。中国科学技术大学教授、博士生导师,享受国务院政府特殊津贴。主要贡献有:在国际上首次提出新的量子理论(WBE Theory),并发现元素电离能差分定律。出版中英文专著3郜、教材和教学参考书5部(与他人合作),撰写科普著作4部。在国内外著名学术刊物发表论文百余篇,其中,被SCI收录计73篇。曾任中国科技大学应用化学系系主任、校学术委员会委员、校学位委员会委员。曾以教授身份应邀访问美国普渡(Purdue)大学。
1 The Basics of Quantum Mechanics for the Weakest Bound
1.1 The Wave Particle Duality
1.2 The Uncertainty Principle
1.3 The Schrodinger Equation
1.4 Electron Spin and Spin Orbital(3,6-8)
1.5 The Indistinguishability of Micro Identical Particles
1.6 Pauli Exclusion Principle and Periodic Table
1.7 One of the Approximation Methods in Quantum
Mechanics-The Variation Method
2 The Weakest Bound Electron Theory(1)
2.1 TheConceptoftheWeakestBoundElectron
2.2 Ionization Process and Aufbau-Like Process is Reversible
2.3 The One-Electron Hamiltonian for the Weakest BoundElectron
2.3.1 The Non-Relativistic One-Electron Hamiltonianforthe Weakest Bound Electron
2.3.2 The Treatment of Magnetic Interaction BetweenElectrons
2.3.3 Relativistic Hamiltonian
2.4 The One.Electron Schrodinger Equation of the Weakest Bound Electron
2.5 TheKeyPoints oftheWBETheory
3 TheWeakestBoundElectronTheory(2)
3.1 Potential Function
3.2 The Solution ofthe Radial Equation
3.2.1 Spherical Harlnonic
3.2.2 Generalized Laguerre Functions
3.2.3 Restore the Form of Hydrogen and Hydrogen Like Atoms
3.2.4 The Definition and Properties of Generalized Laguerre Functions
3.2.5 The Proof of the Satisfaction of Hellmann-Feynman Theorem
3.3 Matrix Element and Mean Value of Radial Operator rk
3.4 The Exact Solutions of Scattering States in WBEPM Theorv
3.5 The Formula for the Calculation of Fine Structure
3.6 Calculation of Spin—Orbit Coupling Coefficient
3.7 Relation Between the WBEPM Theory and Slater-TyDe
4 The Application ofthe WBE Theory
4.1 Ionization Energy(1-10)
4.1.1 Introduction
4.1.2 Iso-spectrum-level Series and the Differential Law of Ionization Energy in the Series
4.1.3 Calculation ofIonization Energy
4.1.4 The Successive Ionization Energies of the 4f Electrons for the Lanthanides(10)
4.2 Energy Level(39-50)
4.2.1 Introduction
4.2.2 FormulaeforCalculatingEnergyLevels
4.2.3 Methods for Parameter Characterization
4.2.4 Examples
4.3 Calculation of Oscillator Strength,Transition Probability
and Radiative Lifetime(88—104)
4.3.1 Introduction
4.3.2 Theory and Method for Calculation
4.3.3 Examples
4.4 Calculation of Total Electron Energy(1-159)
4.4.1 Calculation of Total Electron Energy of the System Using Ionization Energy
4.4.2 Variational Treatment on the Energy
of the He-Sequence Ground State with the WBEP Theory
4.4.3 Perturbation Treatment on the Energy
of the He-Sequence Ground State with the WBEPM Theory(160)
4.5 Electronegativity,Hard and Soft Acids and Bases
and the Molecular Design of Coordination Polymers
4.5.1 TheElectronegativityConceptand Scale
4.5.2 The Nuclear Potential Scale of the Weakest Bound
4.5.3 The Hard-Soft-Acid.Base Concept and Scale
4.5.4 Molecular Design of Coordination Polymers
Representation Publications




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